Veronica Figueroa: Going All In On A Life You Don't Want A Vacation From




Veronica Figueroa runs a highly successful real estate team out of the Orlando, FL area. She has overcome a lot of obstacles in her journey from being a teenage mom to now being the "Queen of Teams" running a powerhouse real estate team. In this episode, she shares how she burned the boats and went all in to become a true success story and an inspiration to others. Veronica is also a national speaker for Zillow, NARHEP, and INMAN Connect. She is also a real estate coach and a Zillow Agent Advisory Board Member.


Note: This episode was taken from the REL Freedom event "Freedom Con 2020" that was held in October of 2020. In this episode, hosted by Mike Swenson and Vlad Kats, we discussed: 

  • How her career got started and her background 
  • She made a promise to herself and her family that she was going to be a success story in the industry no matter what the market 
  • When everyone else was running out of the burning building, she was running in 
  • You haven't experienced success until you’ve helped someone else become successful 
  • For Veronica freedom means being able to do everything she loves and being able to bless other people 
  • If you only chase the money, you are going to fail 
  • The biggest mistake is not letting people go when needed 
  • Hire people who are smarter than you 
  • If you are building something that you are passionate about, you have to go all-in 


Timestamps: If You Want To Jump Ahead To Your Favorite Part   

0:00 - Intro and overview of Veronica’s career 

11:02 – Importance of helping others become successful 

16:55 – What freedom means to Veronica 

22:00 - Top mistakes that people make in their pursuit to freedom 

26:52 – Advice from Veronica 


Links Based On This Episode:   

Veronica's Instagram:

Veronica's Real Estate Team:

Veronica's Website: 










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Full transcript here:

Mike Swenson 

Hi, Mike Swenson here with REL freedom, you know, this episode of our real freedom stories is going to be a little bit different. So recently, we had an event called freedom con. And on there, we had some wonderful guests that shared their stories, and some of their tips and successes on their journey towards financial and time freedom. So, this particular episode, we're going to pick up with Veronica Figueroa, and she's going to share more about her story as a real estate agent in Florida. Hope you enjoy it.


Vlad Kats 

Oh, a woman that needs no introduction. And in many a circle. So is Veronica. Veronica, are you here with us?


Veronica Figueroa 

I am. Hello, everyone.


Vlad Kats 

Veronica, I know that I will not do your justice and introducing you. And I know this slide is like, you know, 1% of 1% of everything that you've that you've accomplished in the short career. If you would not mind, just like put humility in your back pocket and just tell us who you are, like, where you come from. And then just share with us your story, like, like we discussed,


Veronica Figueroa 

Oh, my goodness, wow. You know, I'll start off with this and just say that it's an honor to be here and be able to share a little bit of my journey. And I always tell people, if I could do this, you know, you can do it. All the odds were against me, you know, 16 and pregnant, a young mother, divorced by the age of 24. You know, and everything you could think could be the horror stories, right? Everything against me. But that I now that I look back, I am so grateful for everything I've gone through, because it helps shape, you know, who I am today. And every single step of my personal life has been a part of my business growth journey.


Veronica Figueroa 

Just like many of you guys, my family is really my my inspiration when I you know, when you're responsible for little human beings, you start thinking, you know, like, wow, I have to care for them. And I love you know, hearing from Brian today, actually, because he's someone that I look up to, and has helped shape the careers of a lot of people that I know. But you know, we're all doing this for either people, we love to gain freedom. And I started in real estate just part time, just part time, thinking that I was going to supplement the bills, and I fell in love with it. Real Estate has been a platform for me, that has allowed me an opportunity to gain some freedom in my life.


Veronica Figueroa 

The first few years, there's a lot of work a lot of grinding. And now I'm in a place where I can definitely say that I am really enjoying what what we're building. But I started off in real estate as a part time agent, single mother at the time, and fell in love with it. Within three months, I quit my full time job, I made $11,000. And all of a sudden, I thought I was rich. And I didn't know, you know, I didn't realize I wasn't rich. But what I did realize was that if I invested the time that I was investing in my business that I was doing, in my nine to five, I could possibly expand on this and build and create a life that, you know could give me some flexibility for my children and you know, real estate in 2005. You know, it was raining opportunities. 2005 2004 like it was like great, like, we hit the real estate jackpot. And then of course, the real estate market came from under us. It was stripped away from us in 2008 and 2009. And I knew at that moment, I had to go all in. It was easy to be successful and an easy market.


Veronica Figueroa 

It was easy to be successful when things were just falling out the sky. You were tripping over commission checks. But I had made a promise to myself and to my family that I was going to be a success story in this industry no matter what market. I wanted a recession proof business. I wanted to build a team that was known as an expert that I was that I was the go to. I wanted to be like people's doctors and dentists and you know that professional that they just don't switch up on. So I started getting really, really intentional. I said, Well, the market is all short sales. I need to learn short sales. The market is all bank owned properties. I need to be the next best reo agent. And people would say to me, Well, you know, Oreos only go to like the seasoned agents who have experienced scenarios.


Veronica Figueroa 

Well, the last time that happened, that was an ad. So I was like they're all you know, nearly dad or like, you know, they're played out. I feel like they need they need my face. So who do I need to talk to what's an asset manager, and I took my last $5,000 very, very last bit of money that I had when the market crash and I probably owed everyone because you know you had to decide in 2008 did you pay your mortgage? Did you feed your family? You know, what were you going to do just like many people who have been in the market for a while and can talk about 2008 it was scary. And I made a decision to go all in. And I hopped on a plane to Dallas, Texas. And I said, if this is where the asset managers are, who give you assets, which at the time were bank owned properties, then I need to go there. And I didn't know anyone.


Veronica Figueroa 

But I went to the room where the decision makers were. And I pulled up a table to the I pulled up a chair to the table that I wasn't invited to, I opened the door that was closed, and I knocked it down, I didn't have a keyboard, but I, you know, in other words, I was going to get in that room, and I was going to meet the right people who could help me or educate me. And I was willing to work for free for them. So I could gain the experience that I needed, so that I could survive in the market that we were living, because I refuse to go back to corporate America. At that time, I was willing to burn the boats, I was willing to go all in. And I remember my husband said to me, if this doesn't work, we're gonna have to talk when we get back.


Veronica Figueroa 

Because I don't know if we can even afford to stay married. You know. And at the time, I had five kids now I had five kids. So I went from two kids to five kids, because I married a man that had three children. And you know, it's part of the package deal. We were a blended family. So even more odds against us commission only we were both in real estate. So it was like, Oh my gosh, but that was the best decision I ever made. I was willing to go all in, when everyone else was running out the burning building, I was running into it. And I was willing to do whatever it took to learn the business, to get a mentor to ask the right questions, to be in the rooms with opportunity and to find the deals. And I don't call myself a professional real estate agent. I call myself a deal maker. I'm going to figure out how to make deals, I'm going to know how to identify opportunities and run with it and be in the room where there are opportunities. That's how I built my business.


Veronica Figueroa 

I flew back home on Monday to 37 assets. And if you're in the real estate world, what that means is 32 more I mean, 37 listings, the only problem was, was that when I manifested I'm your girl in Florida. You know, I'm your Orlando girl. Well, to the asset managers sitting in Odessa, Texas, you know, to them, they you know, they have files, they don't know what zip codes were, they send me 37 assets all over the state. So overnight, I had to build teams in places I didn't even know existed in Florida. We want him to go Florida, I didn't even know what that was, you know, I'm driving down to Miami. And they were like, do you have people who worked out like we're gonna find them, you got a cousin, you got an uncle, you know, somebody, there's plenty of bums on the street right now that will take pictures for you bpos.


Veronica Figueroa 

So I started learning how to do everything I needed to do to scale prior to that opportunity. Then when I did get the opportunity, I built a team overnight with anybody with blood running through their veins. And that is how my story started on building teams. Because out of radical necessity, I had to do it because I had a need to provide for my family, but also staying committed to what I had said that I was going to be one of the most successful real estate agents, female, successful real estate agents that was going to change the game. And I stay true to that. After the Oreo market became one of the most I made became one of the most successful Central Florida Oreo agents, building teams all over, I started rubbing elbows with really, really important people.


Veronica Figueroa 

And one thing I learned was following my intuition and not waiting for the market to change, I started really being in tune keeping my ear to the, you know, to the ground and understanding what's coming and identify where there were opportunities. And while everybody was chasing the Oreo game, and I had gotten a piece of that, I realized people were neglecting the farming game people were neglecting the traditional game. So what did I do? I opened a shop, I opened a play on a storefront real estate office when everybody was trying to get out of leases when everybody was trying to you know, like, keep expenses down and like oh my gosh, that you know, you might have another risk. Why are you doing this? And I was like, I'm going to do what everyone else isn't doing. And I opened a boutique shop in a community that, you know, I was raising my kids and I had to scale I had to figure out how can I maximize this, if I'm going to be at the baseball field.


Veronica Figueroa 

I want these people to know that I'm also the owner of the number one boutique office in town. And you know, I'm just figuring out how to collaborate with parents, community leaders, business owners while running my business. And prospecting is the number one thing that we teach real estate agents, I would just prospect with decision makers. How can I connect with people who can give me multiple streams of opportunities and connect me with clients? So I became the call my clients that I would rub elbows with my ambassadors. So how can I go find more ambassadors, whether you were the chief of police, whether you were the mayor, whether you were the community developer, the business owner, and I would ask them what can I do to grow your business? What can I do to grow your business Mr. Pizza maker, what can I do to grow your business, Mr. ice cream shop where kids go with their parents, and you can become my raving fan, and you can help me grow my business.


Veronica Figueroa 

So next thing, you know, the community that once I thought was already taken over by an agent would farm for years. I said, Well, she better move over because there's a new sheriff in town. I'm hungrier than her. And I'm willing to outwork her, I know what she's not doing. And I know what I'm willing to do, because real estate agents that at the time were lazy in my book, and you know what, then I was at every pumpkin patch event, I was at every community event. And eventually, it got to a point that I had to scale myself. And I just started teaching agents how to live in my world, and duplicating my efforts, and I became the person that would seek out opportunities so that other people can also experience the fruits of our labor, and connect with more clients and build wealth, and not be dependent on you know what the market says, we created our own market. Later on, I opened my franchise, my REMAX franchise had an amazing experience there, you know, had a great track record there, we broke pretty much every record, but we change more people's lives.


Veronica Figueroa 

And I always would connect with small business owners and I would use my marketing skills and things that I had learned along the way in business, to share with them and grow their business. And I also say that, you know, you haven't experienced success, unless you help someone else become successful. And that's part of my mantra is how many other people can I help become successful? So if you're starting your business, or whatever you're looking to do to grow your business, just think about who are you helping become successful, not what they're doing for you, but what are you doing for them to grow. So I had tremendous success in my community, I was considered a pillar in the community, there wasn't an event that people would throw without running it by me because they knew I was, you know, intense that I would, you know, sell tickets, that I would make sure that there was high attendance because I was always passionate about helping other people.


Veronica Figueroa 

So ultimately, you know, we became super successful. And very much like many of you guys here, I found a mentor, I just picked people's brains who were smarter than me. And when digital marketing and you know, I would say the industry in general, I would say are not industry, I would say our generation started changing how they started consuming products and convenience. And obviously, we've seen the Ubers of the world and the Netflix of the world. Right? We it's kind of an old story now, like it's getting people are using that too much of an analogy, but what I realized I was like, so if I could do the same thing I did in my community, and basically have that Omni presence that, you know, when you walk into the nail salon, they're like, hey, you're that real estate girl? Or, hey, when I'd walk into the pizza, or like, you're a celebrity in town, right in your little community, you as a real estate agent, you think that's the moment you made it.


Veronica Figueroa 

But I said, What if I can scale that and do that online? What if I could leverage what you know, these really smart tech people are doing and double down and triple down again, took my last $5,000 and went to the asset managers this time around, I started saying, Okay, I'm going to invest some of the money we're making. And I'm just going to triple double down on digital marketing. I'm going to triple double down with this big bad wolf called Zillow that at the time, people didn't understand or like, and I didn't understand it either. First time I hired them, I fired them. But it was because I met someone who says you did it the wrong way. What if I could put you in the room with people who have had success with it? You've been rubbing elbows too long with the people who were the naysayers, but I'm gonna put you in the room with the people who've had success. Because they were willing to listen, they were willing to learn, they were willing to adapt.


Veronica Figueroa 

They were willing to be curious with innovation. I said, sign me up. Here's my credit card, don't tell my husband. Next thing you know, you know, I just started taking that Omni presence from the hometown community field to a digital concept. And we now are the number one real estate team in Central Florida. I sit on their advisory board, we have successful sell probably 175 to $200 million in in real estate this year. And I am proud to say I have a team of over 65 agents and we'll probably be at 100 agents by next year. And that's just my core team of about 1000 partners across the country. We're getting ready to open up in some countries. And you know, this is just the beginning. We're having a lot of fun with it. I did sell my REMAX franchise, I did sell my property management company, which, you know, like I said, I was 16 and pregnant. I never knew I was going to be wheeling and dealing some big deals.


Veronica Figueroa 

But I'm just excited to know that my journey has given me the opportunity to sit in front of in the rooms with so many impressive people who are willing to take me under their wings who I was, I was able to be honest and transparent. Just starting an investment firm now. My goal is to probably have 15 to 20 doors before the end of next year. And you know, just blessed to know that real estate has been the biggest blessing other than my family. It's been an avenue for me to meet people to help people, hopefully to empower women to empower people who, you know, come from a diverse background as well that if I could do this, so can so convey. And I intend to use my voice as much as I can to help inspire more people to know that they can go after it. They can do anything that they put their mind to, if they're really, really clear, and they really commit to this, and are around some really awesome people. So, Mike, I hope I didn't go too, too, too much on a tangent rod. I mean, you you, you tell me where you want this to go.


Vlad Kats 

Veronica, this is really, this is really awesome. Because one of the conversations that we have internally, that when we talk about freedom, we say that freedom ain't free. Right? And I think, yeah, I think that everything that you said is like goes to that point, because it's like, Look, your back was against the wall, right? Like 5000 bucks, you know, changing market, like all of that stuff. And then you took significant action in order to produce the results that you're committed to producing. And then in this conversation about freedom, one of the things that we we forget, like, I think that when we talk about freedom, we often like when I say freedom, people think money.


Vlad Kats 

Okay, and what money can actually buy you some freedom, like I get that, but one of the things that I'm noticing in this conversation with you specifically, it's like, you have this this uncanny freedom to be and freedom to act like you're just so true to who you are. And it's like this authenticity that just like spits out from the from the screen. So like, that's, that's so cool. So yeah, so that's, that's just something that I noticed. So since we're talking about freedom, what does freedom? again ask you a couple of questions? Absolutely. Yeah. So what does freedom mean to Veronica?


Veronica Figueroa 

I think freedom for me truly means living in your most authentic purpose, and being fulfilled with what you're doing. Like, I wouldn't have this success. If I didn't love what I was doing. If I genuinely didn't love what I was doing. So this doesn't feel like work, I built a life that I don't even want to vacation from, I love what I'm doing. Like, it's not work to me anymore. Because what I've built has been something that I'm inspired to just get up every day. And, you know, move the needle make an impact, improve what what business looks like, what real estate looks like, what what entrepreneurship looks like, what women and motherhood can look like, while you're still an entrepreneur. So freedom means the ability for me to do all the things that I love, and along the way, bless other people and make some money.


Veronica Figueroa 

Like I love the fact that I get it's like, it's not even like, what I what we were taught to do is we're taught to like Work, work, work, work, work, have this job, and I'm like, I am so abundant. I receive all these blessings, financial blessings, because I just have created a life that I absolutely love. And my recommendation to everyone is like it whatever it is that you're doing small business, real estate, whatever. If you're doing it, chasing the profit and only chasing the money, you're going to fail, because you need to make sure that you're chasing fulfillment. The fulfillment part is the part that fuels me. And then the money in the financial freedom just follows right. And I genuinely believe that for me, that's what it means. It was 2014 I was a successful real estate agent, I was living the rat race. I mean, the grind selling 100 homes alone by myself, you know, my team was also selling homes. And I was miserable.


Veronica Figueroa 

Because the way I was doing it, and I was doing it the wrong way. And I remember 2014 I had taken a trip out to cabins and I went with one of my good friends. And you know, she's really into positive manifestation and just really getting clear. And we we decided to do something different that year for New Year's and just be in a cabin, be still with our thoughts and get clear. And she saw me so depressed, because she just could sense that I wasn't happy. And she asked me what is it? I said, What if I could reimagine what this is supposed to look like, I don't feel it should be that rat race, that competition that energy that just, you know, the grind the grind the grind, of just chasing the transaction. She says we'll write it out.


Veronica Figueroa 

Write down what it is that you want to look what you want it to look like, write down everything that you want it to not look like and then we're going to burn what is holding you down and then we're just going to be grateful for what you already envisioned this new version of your life and business is going to look like and I was like okay, and it took years to finally find it but I kept that piece of paper with me. I was like this is what my future is going to look like that I can collaborate with other people that I can coach and train at Just across the country that I can, you know, make seven figures, why do we have to stop at six, I just said, like, I want to make seven figures, and I give myself permission to say that. And that was a real big life changing moment for me.


Veronica Figueroa 

You know, I just, I just decided to get clear, and decided that I didn't have to do things the way the industry, you know, had been shaping us to do where anyone who was my competitor was the enemy. Now, I'm, you know, those are the people I take the, you know, out to coffee out to dinner, you know, and we're just sharing best practices, and, and it's just been such a blessing. And, um, you know, the more the more I gave, of my soul and my true purpose, the more money I made, that just happened organically, it really wasn't what I was looking for. But I think living in my true purpose was a defining moment of my career.


Veronica Figueroa 

And now, what most people don't know is that I have a human resources background, I did end up going to college, when I had babies on my hips, and I had a small career in human resources and development. So I've always love helping people. I've always loved developing people. So when I was journaling that day, it was like if there's a way that I can impact more people's lives while doing this, and not chasing the lockbox, the lockbox is a byproduct of my skill set. But it's not the only thing I want to do. So today, I'm writing a book called The Queen of teams, the ultimate playbook on you know, some of the mistakes I made some of the things that worked for me and my journey of how I built teams. And now the modern team. And just all the cool things that we're doing is just freedom to me that I now have permission to do all the things I want to do without limitation.


Vlad Kats 

Wow, that I can't wait for that book to come out that I'd like to see the just the comp and just the mistakes that you made along the journey. Because I know that that's one of the ways that we all learn, right. And so I want to shift the window, shift the focus to the people is something that you said was like, like you, I'm paraphrasing this, Veronica is he's like surrender to your purpose, and then things got opened up. You have a lot of people in your orbit, you know, from your organization, to your team, to all the people that you know, like, what would you say are some of the top mistakes that people make overall, in their pursuit of freedom?


Veronica Figueroa 

I think that, I would say, there are so many mistakes that people make, and I've made a lot of them. You know, I think that if I were to say, I learned my most valuable lesson, as an entrepreneur and a business owner was having the raw the people on the wrong side, like, in the wrong seats, or keeping them in the wrong seat too long, can really be hard for your business. So some of the mistakes that I'll talk about my journey, when I when I wrote the book, or, you know, when I talk to people is like, I look back, and I take responsibility for all the mistakes that happened in my business. Because no one else is to blame for the mistakes that you make as a leader.


Veronica Figueroa 

So when I had people in the wrong position, or I didn't, you know, address certain things, as you build a team, and you build staff, and you start, you know, having people help you scale your business, you have to be clear and honest with yourself, if that person is not growing with you anymore, it's time to let them go. And I would lead with my heart. And I made some of my business decisions with my heart. Now, I lean into those uncomfortable conversations. And I let people know like, it is my duty to free their future up if it's not something that they're doing with passion and purpose, very similar to what I did, because it caused friction.


Veronica Figueroa 

So I, I was really good at making that mistake. I made that mistake over and over and over again, which led to, you know, just pain from my end and their end, and it wasn't worth it. Because you do become family with some of these people. But then sometimes even family we have problems with family, right? I think anyone who's who's in business and is not being honest with themselves is you know, they're doing themselves a disservice. My number one mistake as an entrepreneur was exactly that. When I when it when we were growing and our mission was growing. And there were people who were not aligned with it, I needed to give them an opportunity to get off the bus rather than keep them on and then it just turned into a nightmare. But, you know, that happens with entrepreneurship, right?


Veronica Figueroa 

You learn along the way, you're building this plane, you're flying this, you're building the plane while you're flying it right. And that's something that I did and I needed to give some people some parachutes and throw them off, but I did it. And they almost crashed the plane over and over again, but that's okay. And what I did is I just learned from it. I was like, What could I have done better? as an owner? What would what you know, what was the number what was the, I guess? What was the thing I could have done different Currently, and where could I have improved. And today, I can look back and say, I learned so many valuable lessons. And I'm so grateful for the people who, you know, were part of that chapter, but they're no longer part of the future journey.


Veronica Figueroa 

So yeah, that's my number one mistake, at least that I made. And now I just hire smarter people, people who are smarter than me, people who can help me execute on things. Um, and I think another mistake that I made is that I tried to execute on a lot of things, and nothing got executed. That was early on in my career. So anyone who's in real estate probably can relate to this, you know, we chase every shiny object, because let's say Mike was doing it, I needed to do what Mike was doing. But that wasn't part of my journey. And that cost me a lot of money. So I made a lot of mistakes. And so now I just focus on implementing, you know, maybe one thing per quarter, the best book I ever read was rocket fuel.


Veronica Figueroa 

When you're leading a team of, you know, 65 agents, and also scaling a modern team, you have to figure out, you know, if you're the visionary, obviously, who's going to be the integrator, who's going to be the person to implement this because as visionaries, we can go off squirrel on a tangent, right? And you need someone reeling you in. But then I've also realized that integrator or that, you know, person who was in my world, my operators struggled with me because they didn't know where my brain was going. And because I'm that person who's always creating opportunity, they'd like that can't be done. I was like, say Who? No, no, no. No, it's not, it can't be done. It's how do we do it, we're going to figure out how to do it. So that's definitely one of my recommendations when it comes to a book, rocket fuel. If you're building a business, and you have a team, you definitely need to get that book, read it, and it'll change your life. It'll change your business.


Vlad Kats 

Yeah, it's definitely one of the great ones. So, Veronica, as we as we wrap up, like what advice do you have to our, to our viewers, listeners, those that are there now, those will watch the reruns. Like as they're on their way to building they're on their way on their freedom journey.


Veronica Figueroa 

You know, you have to burn the boats, obviously, that's a really great story in business. You know, when you when you make this decision, you have to burn the boats. And if you don't know what that story is, Google it, you'll you'll understand it. But many of us in the in business know what that means. You're going all in, like you cannot waver. And just because something you know, happens, that's a roadblock. You have to surrender to this journey all in and just say, look what happens happens. But I'm burning the boats, either we're coming out alive, and we're going on, we're leaving on their boats, but we are not turning back. Do not turn back.


Veronica Figueroa 

If you're building something that you're passionate about, you have to go all in and sometimes all in means those sleepless nights, sometimes all end means working overtime for your dream. But like he like, you know, that lad said freedom is not free. It takes time. But if you put in the time, you're going to look back a year to three years, like can you believe what we've accomplished? Can you believe that that idea, that concept was birthed that it came to life. And you know, yeah, sometimes you aren't going to play the janitor, the cashier every single role.


Veronica Figueroa 

But as you start with the end in mind, dream big, but just go all in because I just I don't, I don't know how to operate any other way. There's no half assed for me, I'm sorry, if I'm not allowed to say that, but it's just true. It's just like, I just can't seem to wrap my head around, over just putting my toe in, I got to go all in. So my thing is just go all in. If you're going to do this, find the right mentors, be willing to learn from people who have, you know, lived before you and who can guide you. And you know, it's freedom isn't free, and it ain't cheap, either. You know, it's not cheap, either. You're gonna make some investments. But if you stick to it, it's gonna be worth your time.


Vlad Kats 

Well, Veronica, thank you would be an understatement. You know, I saw some I saw some chats, some posts in the chat that I'll just summarize as your energy is infectious. Oh, like, not only are you like, not only are you sharing this with, like, what you just shared with us, you're living it. And you're a clear example of that, like looky Anything is possible that you put your mind to, and going from, you know, having your back against the wall with the last $5,000 investment into an art to business to now, you know, somebody who rules the world, essentially.


Vlad Kats 

And there are people on this call or people that are watching or who want to be like you, and have the things that you have. And I would invite everybody to say like, how do I have the mindset that Veronica has, because that's what's made it possible. And so like, thank you for your contribution to us. I know you've made a contribution to me. Yeah, how good Mike, how can we how can our viewers Learn more about Veronica and find her online.


Mike Swenson 

Well, Veronica, if you just want to share your region that would be wonderful. I know you're primarily in the Orlando market and yet you know, what do you want to share for a minute or two for a plug here?


Veronica Figueroa 

Yeah, you can always reach out to me we're on IG @veronicafigueroainspires or you can go to and you can always hop on you find my stuff there. You can watch, you know, podcasts, everything on there. It's been a lot of fun to, you know, again, share with others our journey and if you ever need anything, I'm the girl in Orlando.


Mike Swenson 

Thank you.


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