Brenden Kumarasamy - Become A Top 1% Communicator in Real Estate


Communication is key. In real estate you're using your communication skills to work with clients, partners, investors, vendors, and others. Brenden Kumarasamy founded MasterTalk, where he coaches ambitious executives & entrepreneurs to become the top 1% communicators in their industry. In fact, his Youtube channel has over 26,000 subscribers! His goal is to provide free access to communication tools for everyone to use. We'll discuss how those in real estate can enroll people into their vision, motivate people, how to ask great questions, utilizing video, and much more.


In this episode, hosted by Mike Swenson, we discussed:

  • Communication is essential because we enroll people into our vision
  • Communicating your vision like clockwork is essential
  • Bulletproof a pitch:
    • Dinner Conversation
    • Question Drills
    • Video Message Strategy
  • Marketing is important as well as messaging
  • “Priority” is the most important thing before going into tactics 
  • Wait for the opportunity to come and do a good job
  • Every day, write down the answer to one question that you think an investor is going to ask about the business. Then answer only one of them for five minutes.
  • Send a video message to your existing investors so that you’ll stand out in a deal
  • Communicate a specific outcome to a specific audience
  • Adjust the energy based on what‘s the outcome
  • Don't start with social media instead start with the people you love
  • Communication is making a difference and not a chore
  • Communication is about making impact to people



0:00 – Intro to Brenden’s Career
1:25 – Background
2:43 – Prioritizing Communication
5:42 – Communication as Jigsaw Puzzle
8:21 – Bulletproof Pitch
12:16 – Specific Outcome to a Specific Audience
17:31 – Brenden’s Advice
20:35 – Building Audience
34:58 – How to find Brenden












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Full transcript here:

Mike Swenson 

Welcome to The REL freedom podcast where we inspire you to pursue your passion to gain time and financial freedom through opportunities in real estate. I'm your host, Mike Swenson. Let's get some real freedom together.


Mike Swenson 

Hello, everybody, welcome to another episode of The REL freedom podcast where we talk about building time and financial freedom through different opportunities in real estate. And one of the ways that helps you grow your business and helps you to build wealth helps you to attract people into your world to communicate your vision to draw in clients is great communication. And so today we have an expert in communication, we have Brenden Kumarasamy.


Mike Swenson 

Brenden is the founder of master talk, and you work with coaching executives, entrepreneurs to be the top 1% communicators in the industry, you have a popular YouTube channel, Master talk, which has been fun to watch, I went back and looked at I think it was your Facebook page to see as you post how your followers have grown. As of today, you're at 26,000 subscribers to your YouTube page. So congratulations on that. And your goal is to provide free access to communication tools for everyone in the world. So welcome, Brenden. We're so excited to have you on the show.


Brenden Kumarasamy 

Pleasure is absolutely mine, Mike, thanks so much for having me.


Mike Swenson 

Awesome. So why don't you start by just kind of sharing a little bit about your background, and how you got to where you're at today and why it's so important for you to share this and to be able to help others with communication.


Brenden Kumarasamy  

Absolutely, Mike. So my story started when I was in college, I went to business school. And instead of doing, you know, sports, like most of us do, like football or basketball or baseball, I did professional sports for nerves, which was presentations competitively. And that's how I learned how to speak. But then as I got older, I started coaching a lot of the students in those university programs, not because I was a great coach, because the alternative they had was a rock. So they picked me. And that's how we learned the art of coaching. I probably coached 70 People in three years. And then when that time passed, I had the idea for Master talk, because I realized that everything that I was sharing with them wasn't available for free on the internet. And that's how I got started in my journey.


Mike Swenson 

Talk about the messaging that you want to communicate with people what's important for people don't let's just let's just start with real estate, right? So we, you know, obviously have real estate investors, we have people in the real estate space, marketing is important messaging is important. Building trust with potential clients in the future is important. What are some of the things that you see that's important for people to know when they're when they're communicating?


Brenden Kumarasamy 

Of course, Mike. So there's so many tactics, but let's start with the religion and the religion. The religion is this. If there's anything that's been consistent throughout every real estate investor agent that I've worked with over the years, is its prioritization, they don't make it a priority. Because it seems to me that everyone in real estate just doesn't care about making more money, which drives me crazy example, someone comes up to me a real estate investor, the racing for multifamily properties, they're doing a round, they're visiting a few offices. And they go, how many questions have you been asked on this pitch? Like, how many doors what the facility is? Like? How many questions have been asked before you're pitching to family offices? And the guy looks at me, he goes, I don't know, like probably five or seven questions, 10 questions. And I look at him and I go,


Brenden Kumarasamy 

What are you talking about? You haven't drilled your pitch 7500 times with all these questions. He goes, No, why would I do that I just got a pitch and I'll raise some money. Because I did really well, I got the right returns on the last property. So I'll do just fine. And I'm always confused at this, Mike. Because the investing world is so small, if you mess up one of these pitches, everyone's going to know, it's not like it's going to be a secret. So I'd say the most important message before we go into the tactics today is make it a priority. Whether you invest in it or not make it a priority. Because the difference between a top 1% communicator and in real estate, top 5% communicate in real estate, whether you're an agent or on the investing side is massive from an economics perspective.


Mike Swenson 

Let's take a step back from the investors. And let's talk about I'm a real estate agent. I'm a real estate investor, I'm looking to build a company, mission vision values, your why, you know communicating that stuff is really important. And so what what do you have to say people around around that? How can I prepare for that? Sometimes, you know, maybe people might think it's just it's just fluffy stuff, and why does it really matter? So talk about that for a little bit kind of the key piece here of I'm looking to start in one spot and get to another I want people to to link arms with me, whether it's clients, whether it's staff, whether it's other agents, other people working with me, how do I do that in an effective way.


Brenden Kumarasamy 

Absolutely, Mike. So let's establish why it's important first. So the reason is important because we're always enrolling people into our vision. Even, even if we're not pitching directly for capital, every time we talk about the vision on a one on one conversation at a cocktail, in a small group, at a town hall meeting with our internal employees, we're always constantly remoting re motivating and re engaging them, to stay with our brokerage, to stay with our organization to stay within our company, and not leave us to go somewhere else. And that's why knowing how to communicate your vision over and over and over again, like clockwork is so essential.


Brenden Kumarasamy 

So now the question is, how do you do this? So there's a few strategies, but I'll give you the easiest one that people can implement, whether it's in their investing pitches, or when they're preparing the specific scenario you just talked about, which is puzzles. So communication is like jigsaw puzzles, you know, those little pieces we used to do together as kids kind of put those toys together.


Mike Swenson 

So that's four year old that loves jigsaw puzzles.


Brenden Kumarasamy 

There you go. So the question for you, Mike, is when you work on jigsaw puzzles, your four year old, which pieces do you start with first? And why?


Mike Swenson 

I'm the the corners and the edges.


Brenden Kumarasamy 

Absolutely. Why's that?


Mike Swenson 

And my foot might was gonna say my four year old is mashing pieces together to try to make them fit. So yeah, I mean, it's, it's starting with the, the corners and the edges are the easiest, you can identify him well. Instead of you know, there's there's essentially one side that's already given to you. Corners, two sides given to you. And so it's, you know, find those four corners of those posts, put those in, kind of line up the border, and then tackle tackle the inside from there. So I would say ease and simplicity.


Brenden Kumarasamy 

I mean, that was the most detailed answer I've ever heard on that question. So you get my details guy. So


Mike Swenson 

you're gonna get all the answers for me. Yep.


Brenden Kumarasamy 

That was perfect. Like, I love that. So you're absolutely right, they're easier to find the box, put them all together. So why am I giving you a snatch mommy's telling you this. Because in communication, we do the opposite. Unfortunately, we start the middle first, whether it's an investing pitch, or when we're communicating our vision of the company to people, we shove everything in the middle, we start the middle pieces. So it's confusing. We're putting a bunch of slides together, we get to the presentation. And we ramble throughout the whole thing. So the last slide sounds something like this. Yeah, so thanks. Not the right approach.


Brenden Kumarasamy 

So instead, what you want to do is practice like a jigsaw puzzle. Start with the edges first, do the introduction 50 times, not two times, not three times up five times, do it 50 times 50. Seems like a big number. But it really isn't. Right? Because the 50 times will only take you like an hour because your intros like 6090 seconds. Same thing with the closed Mike. What's a great movie with a terrible ending last time I check, terrible movie, same thing with the clothes and then tackle the middle. If you practice in that format, it'll be a lot easier to convey your ideas more effectively.


Mike Swenson 

Let's touch on on raising money, right? Raising money is really important. What are effective ways? Not even in real estate, but in sales, other industries, when people are looking to raise money? What recommendations do you have for folks?


Brenden Kumarasamy 

Absolutely. So I call this how to bulletproof a pitch. How do you prepare so much in an effective way? Because obviously, we all we're all busy people. And the way that when you enter that investing in your pitching, you'll nail it. So there's a couple of things to keep in mind. I would say the first one is have dinner conversations with people you've already raised money from and ask them questions. It's so simple, but nobody does it. Like for example, let's say you're sitting down some of your limited partners, people have already subscribed to you around, having three hour dinners with them is really effective and asking them questions like, if you're in my shoes, how would you communicate my ideas better? Or my buildings better? Or the facilities better? What made you want to subscribe to the round? What are other pieces of the pitch?


Brenden Kumarasamy 

Have your existing investors people already believe in you ideally, who've participated in a previous round, who've actually already gotten a financial result. They want to help you. So the secret to my success, and it's not much of a secret. I go to my existing clients and I go, how do I sell the next person who's exactly like you? And they go, you got to do this in real estate, you got to talk about this. That's why my tone actually when I talk in real estate podcast changes, it's actually very aggressive compared to my YouTube channel and I'm drawing that difference out loud. Because I know a lot of people real estate are very tough love, get to the point. How do I make money off of this? That's just been my experience.


Brenden Kumarasamy 

So that's where we are right now. So even the way of my tone changes based on the podcast, restless at the interview after this is like for kids, like what advice I go, Okay, so at least five years or so my tone changes. So that's the first thing. Talk to them. Ask them a bunch of questions and specifically ask them this question. This will instantly make you money. If you were to introduce me to one person to help develop my ideas further, who would you introduce me to and why? One of them will lead to another investor, you just made yourself 50 grand from listening to this podcast. Okay, that's one. Simple, nobody does it.


Brenden Kumarasamy 

Number two question drills. So all you have to do is a lot of us in life like we're reactive to the questions we get asked, we're not proactive, we wait for the question to come, we wait for the opportunity come, and we do a good job, not an exceptional job to do a good job. So how do we fix this? I have a strategy that only takes five minutes a day that people can implement. It's very simple. Every day, write down the answer to one question that you think an investor is going to ask you about the business. So a simple way to do this is get your existing customers to funnel 50 100 150 questions that they would have about your property? And every day answer only one of them for five minutes.


Brenden Kumarasamy 

So it's not very overwhelming. If you do that everyday, for a year, Mike, you'll have answer 365 questions about your properties, investing pitches, you'll be bulletproof. It's just nobody does it. And then the third tip I recommend is the video message strategy, send a video messages to your existing investors, your LPs, the people around you really makes them feel sir seen, understood and felt and you have a huge competitive advantage because nobody in the investing world sends video messages. So you'll stand out whenever there's a deal, and you'll get more capital flow than anyone else. Easy peasy. Just nobody does it.


Mike Swenson 

It's interesting. Like just going back to the beginning here, you're talking about, you know, making this a priority. And I think it boils down to this, you know that we tend to move fast. We want to get stuff done. And really we're setting this up. So kind of going back to our conversation about the puzzle. I mentioned, I'm a details guy, right? Like I like to communicate through details in the in the DISC assessment, I'm a high SC. I think sometimes that tends to bog people down. If I'm talking to real estate agents, or people that move really fast, they're high D, I tend to feel like I'm slowing them down because I want to talk in details. So how do you balance? If I'm making a presentation, or I'm communicating the Get to the point versus giving them the information that they want to have?


Brenden Kumarasamy 

I mean, that's an exceptional question by here's what I would say the answer, unfortunately, is it depends. Why is that? So if you're talking to a general public, it always goes back to what the key ideas for me that what let's start with the definition of communication, actually my definition which will make it easier, which is simply this communicate a specific outcome to a specific audience communicate a specific outcome to a specific audience. That's what it is. So for example, those outcomes can change. It could be convincing your four year old that he or she should eat broccoli, I think you said daughter, so she said the Son, son, sorry, excuse me. Right, son. So this is me getting feedback. I'm asking you questions, right. So son eating broccoli every morning, right?


Brenden Kumarasamy 

And another one could be convincing your significant other or family members to eat Mexican that night instead of Chinese food, or it could be raising $10 million in an hour with with 10 different of the biggest investors in your city. So all the outcomes change. So why do I say it depends, you need to adjust the energy based on what the outcome is example. Usually, when you're investing, you're raising money for capital, it's usually a small audience, we're talking three, five people, if it's a really big check, maybe it's all the partners of that fund. But it's usually three to five, seven people. And it's done usually over dinner. So in those situations, you can actually plan for that energy in advance, you know, the room, or the DS or the SS.


Brenden Kumarasamy 

So when you're having those one on one conversations, you know how to change it. And it's usually D energy. It's usually okay, guys, let's get to the point. These are the three reasons why you want this deal. Here's why I'm different do you have and then most of its q&a, what are the concerns you have about the deal, and you're answering, so you're not pitching for a long period of time. But then there's other situations where you might be on a podcast talking about your journey about how you built, you know, your real estate portfolio from two units to 200. So when they're talking about that story, you're not really high D anymore.


Brenden Kumarasamy 

You could be a little bit when you're giving some tough love, but you've got to mix it up between all four letters, because you might be talking and inspiring people who are just getting started a real estate journey. So the the advice becomes a lot more diluted, and a lot more inspirational. Like a lot of podcasts, I say something like how would your life change if you're an exceptional communicator? Because it inspires people to take action, but it's not super relevant to real estate because people just want to get to the point of real estate.


Mike Swenson 

Yeah, well, but at the same time, you know, I was just on a on a session that I was listening to yesterday and they were talking about you know, the value of knowing your why right? And so, in real estate, no matter you know which spot in real estate you're in, you got to be used to rejection, right you have to be used to people ignoring you rejecting you, actively rejecting you or passive Really rejecting you, because you're gonna have your ups and downs. And it was funny when I first got into real estate, I was an a nonprofit for 10 years. And when I got into real estate, it was so funny to me how people tended to just when they had good news, it was just, they were super high, they were super excited. And then something bad happens. And it's like, they go into this pit. And it could be that range of emotions in a single day.


Mike Swenson 

Or it could be over the course of a week, if a deal is looking like it's coming together, and then it falls through. And so you're constantly navigating the range of emotions. And that makes it really difficult, you know, because it's just, yeah, it's it's a tough industry to be in. And so I want to, I want to make sure that we cover the the social media piece that's really important to me. So what tactics can I use when I'm when I'm posting on social media? So let's just say I'm talking about communicating my vision, right? I've taken time to do that. What are some boots on the ground tactics, because I have so many people that, you know, when they talk about it, it's funny, I don't mind being on being on camera. I've gotten used to it. It's part of the reason why I did a podcast was to be able to get comfortable being on camera.


Mike Swenson 

But whenever I've heard people talk about getting on social media, communicating your vision, attracting clients, it's like they just, they just curl up in a little ball. And it's like, I can't do that I'm so nervous to be on camera. I'm so nervous to do that. So for people that have a fear of communication, and say, we're in the digital age, right like this, we're maybe our clients aren't in person we're trying to communicate to people in other states, maybe even other countries, if we're working with investors, how do we overcome those fears that we have of I don't want to do this because I don't feel like I'm a good communicator, or I don't feel like I'm good at sales.


Mike Swenson 

Or I just can't stand my voice on camera. I can't stand looking at my face on camera. You know, there's so many times I go back and watch podcasts and you see, like, the shininess on my hat or something on my hair, like people just have to get over that. So what advice do you have for people when, when they're thinking about social media? Just getting over it and doing it?


Brenden Kumarasamy 

Absolutely, Mike? So here's what I would say to this audience in particular, go back to what's made you successful in real estate and ask yourself this question. What made you successful, whether you're a real estate agent, or the investor, and that person, if we were talking to them right now, Mike, they would tell us something like, Well, you just got to do it. You got to close the deals, there's a lot of times you're gonna get rejected. Sometimes you might get customers in the agent business where, you know, they're not actually serious. They don't want to sell their home. So you can't make a commission. They're just kind of dilly dallying.


Brenden Kumarasamy 

My advice is, don't start with social media. Because we haven't learned the lesson yet. I would say start with the people that you love. Make a list of five to seven people that you really love that could be your friends or family members, your niece or nephew. It could be or clients, people have invested in you early. And ask yourself a simple question. Forget about the world. What was the last time you sent them a video message? Just telling them? Hey, Mike, I really love the work that you're doing on this podcast, hey, keep it up, man, really amazing. Nobody sends us video messages like that. And why am I so gung ho on this one, because it makes you instant money. You don't even need the world.


Brenden Kumarasamy 

So instead of complaining, you just increase your top of funnel, you get to the next customer, you and you try and close your month. Yeah, and the same thing with investors. If you pitch you put all your heart and you do the question drills 75 times, and you get to the office, and they just don't like your face. They just don't like your attitude. It's just an energy thing. And you can't really control it. What do you do? You're gonna weep and whine about it? No, you're gonna get up and say, Well, shit, I gotta close this round, people are relying on this. And a lot of my investors who already believed in me are relying on me the closest bloody round, so I'm going to figure it out.  So why are we so successful? And this area, but we don't apply the same lessons in the context of communication. Right, the and that's what I find so fascinating. So what's my advice?


Brenden Kumarasamy 

If you send us to exist. If you're a real estate agent, you send this to existing clients, you'll get an extra client guarantee. It works for me all the time. I don't make money off podcast, I just do this as a social service for my YouTube channel. Right? All my money comes from video messages. But the point is, is it helps teach us a very valuable lesson, which is what is communication for Mike


Brenden Kumarasamy 

communication is not a chore, which is what a lot of us think it is, like doing the dishes oh my god, I gotta communicate. But I gotta get more clients. I don't like that. For me. It's about making a difference. Because the next morning when you wake up, you see all those messages. And you'll be shocked. You'll see all those messages of people going, oh my god, Brenden microcapillary sent me this video message. It means so much to me. You realize that communication is about impacting people. And that's why this 22 year old kid, I'm not 22 anymore, but when I was that kid, and I started my master talk YouTube channel, I didn't do it from executive clients to pay my bills, obviously, but I'm super grateful for I did it for the 15 year old girl who couldn't afford me. That's why I started master talk. Because I know that girl doesn't have anyone else to rely on. And that pushed me to figure out how to coach executives. And that's what I want for all of us is you'll find that way over time but you got to start the people closest to you


Mike Swenson 

like you talked about, yeah, building, building an audience kind of making that impact from the ground up, versus trying to go wide. Use the relationships that you currently have. Okay, so think about building an audience, right? So you've done a good job of building an audience, you've got 26,000 YouTube subscribers as of today. And so for somebody that wants to grow their presence online and wants to build an audience, how do you do that at a mass scale? Obviously, maybe started with your friends and family, but you can't get to 26,000. With that. So how did you build that audience? What tactics did you use?


Brenden Kumarasamy 

I would disagree. I think that's exactly how you get to 26,000. And I'll tell you why. But it's just what what I what was talked about on a wider scale. What does this mean? What a lot of people don't know, Mike, they might look at my 26k Now that I'm super proud of. But that's, that's great. But what's what's more important for people are getting started right about empathy is all about who the the person we used to be, is, how did you get my first 1000 subscribers? Ah, because that's a different story. Because I get bullshit you all day and go, Oh, yeah, it was the YouTube algorithm. I'm just really good at content creation. That's not what it is.


Brenden Kumarasamy 

It's how badly do you want it, which is the first 1000 IDM 1700 People Mike. That's how I got to 1000 subscribers in four months, is I believed in my content first before anyone else did. So what was the story, the story is very simple. All of the people I'd coached for three years for free. Like before I ever had mass talk, I was just helping them. So when I was 22, and I started the YouTube, I went back to those guys who work on Wall Street now who work on Bay Street who have all these investment banking jobs. And as the guys, I haven't asked you for a penny, but I'm going to ask you, for one thing, you're going to do it for me, you're going to promote the shit out of my YouTube channel. And that's what they did.


Brenden Kumarasamy 

That's how I got 1000 subscribers. What people don't get Mike is it's not about 1000 followers. It's about 1000 conversations like this. That's how you build a raving following. Whether or not there's an audience, I don't even care about that the real even if obviously do care, adding value. But the reason why this podcast is for you. Because at the end of the day, when this call drops for the rest of your life, I want you when you think about communication to every person in your life, you're not going to talk about Dale Carnegie, you're gonna talk about me, because I'm the guy who spent 20 minutes pouring into your audience, not pitching anything. And that's always been my philosophy.


Brenden Kumarasamy 

I told myself from the get go, even if the algorithm did nothing for me. And it did two years after I started the YouTube channel. I knew that if I guessed on 10,000 podcasts, not 10 10,000 It was only the host that was listening to me. They had no audience, at least I would have 10,000 subscribers, and people just don't have that mindset. And that's why it was


Mike Swenson 

awesome. I love what you're doing. Or for folks that want to learn more about Master talk, learn more about you. How can they go do that?


Brenden Kumarasamy 

Absolutely make this such a great conversation. Thanks so much for having me, man. So two ways to keep in touch. First one is definitely the YouTube channel. Just go to master talk in one word, you'll have access to the free content. Second ways I do a free workshop of resume every three weeks. That's fun, that's live that's interactive. And I facilitate the call it's not a boring webinar. And if you want to register for it, it's Rockstar


Mike Swenson 

Thank you so much. I appreciate your time. Brenden. You're You're great at what you do care about people. You want to make a difference and so best of luck to you in the future.


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