Heather Dreves: Passive Real Estate Investing


Some people love rolling up their sleeves and going through the hard things investing in real estate. Some want a more hands off approach. That's where Heather can help. While her investment company, Secured Investment Corp, works with the "traditional" flipper to fund their flips, she also focuses on working with people who want to invest in real estate for as little as $1,000. Some investors use after tax dollars to invest, and Heather can also help people looking to invest through a self-directed IRA or 401k. Hear Heather share how they've been able to help others build wealth through their real estate investment opportunities.


In this episode, hosted by Mike Swenson, we discussed:

  • Heather is the director of funding at Secured Investment Corp, which is one of the fastest growing companies in the private money marketplace in the United States.
  • They focus on residential real estate investments, you're passionate about helping self-employed entrepreneurs and your families build wealth, and succeed in their business ventures and helping investors deploy capital that's looking for a high yield passive investment backed by residential real estate.
  • They’ve seen real estate investors succeed and fail. And they’re committed to tipping the scale on the sides of success for everyone.
  • They help investors purchase rehab houses and they also own a rental property.
  • People who are interested in investing can call them 800-971-5988.


00:00 - Intro and overview on Heather’s career.
02:06 - Talking a little but about Heather’s background.
05:46 - Talking about Heather’s property, their funds, investments and tangible assets.
11:58 - She explained how people can invest in the fund.
15:27 - Elaborating who will choose and where to put the investment.
18:37 - Talking about diversification (e.g. investing in crypto currency)
23:44 - How people can be able to work with Heather in investing.
26:09 - Heather’s success stories.












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Full transcript here:

Mike Swenson 

Welcome to The REL freedom podcast where we inspire you to pursue your passion to gain time and financial freedom through opportunities in real estate. I'm your host, Mike Swenson, let's get some real freedom together.


Mike Swenson 

All right, welcome everybody to another episode of REL freedom stories. And for those of you that have maybe thought about real estate investing, and you still have some concerns, or maybe you're the type of person that's like, how do I get started? How do I, you know, find financing? How am I going to deal with, you know, landlord, headaches or finding property managers, and there's still some things that are maybe holding you back to jumping in. And I'm here with Heather dreams today. And she's going to share with you a way where you can get involved in investing in real estate in a little bit more of a passive way. And so she's going to share with you what they do and talk about some of her background, and then providing investment opportunities for people that maybe don't want to be the one answering that, that call from a tenant late at night, and maybe want to put something on hold. And I think the other thing is being able to use some smaller denominations of money to not having to have $100,000 available, you know, so, so Heather's got some great opportunities for that. And we're excited to dig in. So just a little bit of a background about her. So Heather is the director of funding at secured investment Corp, which is one of the fastest growing companies in the private money marketplace in the United States. And you guys focus on residential real estate investments, you're passionate about helping self employed entrepreneurs and your families build wealth, and succeed in their business ventures and helping investors deploy capital that's looking for a high yield passive investment backed by residential real estate. So you've seen real estate investors succeed and fail. And you're committed to tipping the scale on the sides of success for everyone. So welcome, Heather, we're so excited to have you on the show. And why don't you just share a little bit more about your background?


Heather Dreves 

Yeah, well, thank you for having me, this is exciting, we are always looking for opportunities to share what we have to offer. And, you know, I think some people kind of get hung up in the fact that they think they have to have a large amount of capital to invest in real estate. And they have to have the time it takes to go out and rehab, you know, properties to benefit and the upside of that. But we really believe that here at secured investment Corp, we kind of created this community where we can help those types of active investors, but we can also help our people that are looking for something more passive to invest in. So I've been in the private money industry for almost 20 years now. And I've had the pleasure and quite honestly the opportunity to help so many families create passive wealth for themselves and generational wealth, through passively investing through real estate funds and things like notes.


Heather Dreves 

So it's been a pretty rewarding career, I love being able to help these people look at, you know, things outside of the regular traditional stock market options, mutual fund, things of that nature, I think for so long, you know, there hasn't been a lot of content and information and education about other options and opportunities, and there's just so much more out there. So it's pretty rewarding, being able to help clients, you know, understand and realize what other options they have, especially for things like IRAs and 401 K's. So it's pretty exciting. You know, we like I said, we, we, we cater to the active real estate investors that are looking for the funding, but really where I focus around is the passive options. And so I deal with people, you know, that are high net worth individuals and people that have, you know, their first IRA that they just opened up, but regardless, it's a great way to really create wealth for themselves and their family.


Mike Swenson 

Yeah, and I think for, you know, for people that are, you know, listening, and they're, they're thinking about, you know, what options do I have for investments. Now, there's very seasoned investors that could, you know, rattle off, here's what you do, and you can do this, and this, and this, and this, and this. But I know when I used to work for a nonprofit, and whenever they would bring in the person, and we would talk about your 401k, I was so excited to listen to what they had to say. And I was tracking along with what they're saying. And then there's people in my company that would just be like, What do I pick? What do I do, or I talked to my spouse, and they told me, I should do this thing, but I don't understand what it means. And so I think that's where somebody like you can really help out because, you know, if you're working at a traditional job, and you have a company sponsored plan, there are alternatives out there and like you said, for the person that you know, wants to get involved in real estate because they hear like, oh, there's a lot of great investment opportunities in real estate, but I don't necessarily know where to start.


Mike Swenson 

I don't know I may not be able to qualify. for a loan right now, I may not be able to do this or that, or I may not even really be excited about buying my own investment properties, because of you know, everybody talks about the 2am. Toilet call, and what's that, you know, the clogged toilet? And what am I going to do, or the heats out in the middle of winter. And so this is really a great alternative method for people that want to get into the real estate space, and maybe don't have the time the knowledge or the experience yet. And maybe they just want to be passive, you know, right. And so well, it's exciting and, and a badge of honor to say, you know, I was out doing this at this property and fixing it up or putting out this fire that happened, not a literal fire, but you know, finger to fire, set it and forget it a little bit. Right. And that's what you guys can really help people with.


Heather Dreves 

Yeah, absolutely. And I personally have rehab houses. I, my husband and I have done that. And I have this envision that we were going to be like Chip and Joanna on you know, HGTV. Let me tell you, it's not like that. And we own rentals. And yes, you answer to tennis or your property manager does no matter what time of day it is. The other challenge I think a lot of people have is they think they need to have a large dollar amount to invest, right? Whether that means they're gonna go buy a piece of real estate to fix and flip or own a rental. Our funds that we offer have a minimum investment of $1,000. And I tell people all the time, I mean, I can't tell you how many people I talked to in a day that they don't have enough money to start investing, you have to start somewhere, even if that's what the $1,000 You know, if you start that and you're disciplined with that, you will see your wealth grow. And you know, and create generational wealth for your families.


Heather Dreves 

Our funds are a great option. I don't I talked to a lot of people that will say, you know, I'll ask them, Do you have a 401k? Yeah, I think I have one for like five employers ago, that never did anything with it. And they're sitting there earning very, very low yields being eaten up by fees. You know, and I don't think that people understand that, you can take those types of accounts, whether it's, you know, unfortunately, if you're currently working for the employer that is sponsoring the 401k, there's not a lot of options there. But if they are older, 401k, you're not working for that employer anymore, you're retired, there is opportunity to roll those accounts so that they can keep them as a tax deferred account, they're not going to have to pay a bunch of taxes on them. But they can roll them to what they call self directed custodian.


Heather Dreves 

And then they can start deploying that capital, the way they see fit, they can look at real estate funds like ours, or notes or something of that nature, where they're high earning, you know, double digit returns backed by residential real estate assets, it's not a stock account that you know, the market goes down, you're going to be sitting there waiting for it to come back up, there's, in my opinion, there's a lot more opportunity when market shifts, when you're in the residential real estate space to ride that out, you know, it is a tangible asset. And so I think that's really our mission is just to educate people about that, you know, maybe you haven't even set up an IRA, it's a great time, we're almost to the end of the year, you know, people need to have their IRA contributions in, they do that with a self directed custodian, then they can start investing it. And things like our funds, other people's funds, real estate, things of that nature. And I just don't think there's enough education out there about that.


Heather Dreves 

We've managed funds for a long time, I've been with the company 10 years, and we've managed funds as long as I've been here, three years ago, we decided we we felt a huge need to open up a fund that everybody could invest in. Prior to that these real estate funds were only available to high net worth individuals, which was really a disservice. Like I don't understand why only the wealthy people should be able to invest in things like this, that creates, you know, high yields for him. So we opened up a fund with a minimum of $1,000. And it's got a tie a period of 12 months very short commitment, people can stay on longer if they want. But we wanted a low dollar amount so everybody could get involved.


Mike Swenson 

Yeah, well, and I think too, you know, we've had people on the show in the past that have had real estate syndications where you can passively invest in that. And I don't, I'm trying to remember I don't know if 25,000 was the lowest it might have been 50. And I know we've had some people that have said 100,000 is the bare minimum to get in. And so that's the challenge for people that want to get started. They want to be able to slowly grow that nest egg, they may not be able to plop down 50 grand Well, yeah, you can you can start with $1,000 and 1000 can grow to 2005 1010 1000. And so I think that's a great opportunity is to have that low barrier of entry for people that want to be in real estate. And then to like you mentioned it, it's backed by residential real estate and you know, there's a lot of people out there talking about cryptocurrency or you know, different stocks that have went to the moon and some that have failed.


Mike Swenson 

And so residential real estate well we have had more mortgage crisis as we had, you know, things that have happened in the past, it is a tangible asset, it's, it's seen as more stable, and at the end of the day, its value is not going to ever go to zero, like a stock could or if a company went bankrupt, and had to close their doors, their stock price could go to zero. That doesn't happen in residential real estate.


Heather Dreves 

Well, and the residential real estate space that we are in, just for clarification is the affordable housing market. So we are buying real estate and we are lending money secured by real estate that is below the FHA cap, because in the event that the market shift, and they are going to shift we anybody in real estate knows this is coming. We're not lending more, and we're not buying more than 70% of the value. So it's unlikely that this market is going to, you know, drop 30% You never know. But the opportunities also there when the market shifts, you know, let's say potentially, we bought a piece of real estate to for the fund on behalf of the fund to invest in and our intention was to sell it then market start shifting, we could potentially rent that property and cashflow it when they're under that FHA cap.


Heather Dreves 

They're great rental properties. And we teach our students and our borrowers to do that also, right be have multiple exit strategies, right? If you're relying on one thing to get out of this field out the problem. And that's in you know, we also are creating homeownership, and we're buying houses in the affordable housing market, it makes you feel really good as a fund manager, and it should have the fund member that, you know, we're taking a house that was probably very distressed, and creating homeownership and pride of homeownership when we sell that property. So, you know, there's there's multiple benefits to that.


Mike Swenson 

Now, how do those funds work? So let's just say as an example, I've got $1,000, I've saved it up, I'm ready to go. And I say, Heather, I want to invest in real estate, I have $1,000. So I give it to you, and how does that go into the fund? And what happens after that?


Heather Dreves 

So that's a great question. So a couple things, it is $1,000 minimum to invest in the Fund. And people can invest more than $1,000 increments. So they can they can add to the accounts as they go along. A couple things to be really mindful of is it does have a 12 month tie up period. So I tell people, This is not you know, get rich quick. Like we want you to commit to stay in for at least 12 months. And that's a very, I mean a year goes by very fast, right? And earnings, which you brought up syndications and I love syndications, we have lots of mutual clients that we work with to do syndication. But one of the things with syndication is you don't usually see the upside for multiple years because the upside is in the appreciation, right?


Heather Dreves 

Our funds payout earnings every month. So every month we take our profits, and we pay those earnings out. The really neat thing about our fund is that you can actually roll your earnings. So this is a great option with people with IRAs, because instead of sending money back and forth to these custodians that charge you fees for that, we can actually reinvest your earnings for you. And now you're compounding your interest and your earnings. And you know, I've ran multiple calculators for people, it's anywhere from a half a percent to a percent higher when you're reinvesting your earnings. They are calculated every month. If people want to invest, we have a great platform, they actually just go they set up their account, I've had people set up an account in their name in their IRA and their wife's IRA in their kids HSA accounts and college savings accounts, they can have multiple profiles. And the nice thing with the online access is they can always log in see what their accounts doing, they can see their earnings being rolled on a monthly basis if they are reinvesting.


Heather Dreves 

Obviously, if they want those earnings paid out, we'll send them through check or ACH, we prefer a CHS quicker and easier for everybody. But it's a very easy process. Now, the caveat to that is if they're going to use a self directed IRA, and I know there's a lot of people that are probably going to be on this podcast that are like what is a self directed IRA. I am not an IRA expert. But what I can do is I can give you some great referrals for some great custodians out there, there's a ton of them. And it's like anything else, there's really good ones and there's some that are just good. I would be more than happy to give anybody that wants it, you know, some referrals to I tell them to do their own push ups, right? Figure out which one works best for you. They all offer something a little different, but I'll let you know who we worked with that we've had good experiences with.


Heather Dreves 

So if they if they set those self directed IRA accounts up, then we will help them move that money from their IRA into the funds because there is some forms that have to be filled out. There's, you know, a little, little fewer extra steps to do that. And we do that for them. So we'll fill the forms out. We'll help them get their account set up online and then we'll process everything obviously with their reviews. signatures. So it's pretty easy. We try to make it as easy as possible. And we want to be as transparent as possible so that everybody can see what's going on with their account.


Mike Swenson 

Now how to, because you had mentioned about that you're investing in real estate in that you're picking, you know, certain properties. So who's the person that does that? Or how do you decide where we're going to put the money to ensure that the people that are giving the money are getting the returns that


Heather Dreves 

So what's interesting about our fund is we actually diversify the fund. So what I mean by that is we take 75% of our fund balance, and we lend that money out to real estate investors. So your guys that are out there fixing and flipping, buying properties for rental, we will provide them funding short term funding on average 12 months, and that generates revenue for the fun from origination points and interest payments paid. So 75% of the fund is lent out through those types of activities. We service all that. So when those people are making their payments, that's part of the profits that are paid out. And that's nationwide. The and we have an underwriting team. This is all in house, we have about 100 employees here. So we underwrite, we do all the due diligence, make sure there's title insurance, all those types of things. The other 25% of the fund balance.


Heather Dreves 

We have an acquisition team that goes out in our local market, which is Spokane, Washington, and quarterly NIH to help and they find properties, you know, from different types of avenues, distressed sellers, we bought lien abatement houses from the city's you know, foreclosures that, you know, we used to go to auction until COVID happens and foreclosure auction is not as lucrative as it used to be. But myself and two other members are fund members. And so we make the decision, okay, we're going to buy this property. We have a rehab crews that will go in, give us a bid. We they actually work for us. And we decide, okay, yes, we're going to do this or no, we're not going to do this, we're going to wholesale it. So there's three fund managers internally here at our local office in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho that make those decisions. And then obviously, when those properties are sold, those profits are paid out through earnings to the phone numbers.


Mike Swenson 

And as you shared earlier with me before the the recording started that quarter, ln is a hotbed for real estate. And so the fact that, you know, if I'm investing my money with you, and you're investing in the Cordyline area, it is a growing real estate market and a spot where you can get good returns.


Heather Dreves 

Oh, yeah, Spokane and Coeur d'Alene are both hot markets right now. And, and we were investing there before they became so well known, you know, over the last couple years. But yeah, there's still opportunity, you know, you have to know where to find those deals, we're not buying deals that are on the MLS market, they're overpriced, you know, we're we're finding other, we have other strategies to find those deals. And I think that's where, you know, the benefits of the fund also comes in, because you have people that want to invest in real estate and whether they, they may not have the time, they may not have enough money, they may not even know where to find the deals, why not, let us do that for you, you can still reap the benefits of that. And you don't have to do any of the heavy lifting. You can sit back passively, you know, earn good yields on your money average yields on the funder eight to 10%, which are great yields. Most people savings accounts are under 1%. So, you know, I, I talked to these people, and they I've got 300 grand sitting in my savings account, it's like, please do something with that, whether it's with us or someone else, please go put that money to work for you.


Mike Swenson 

and I think diversification is helpful to right. You know, it's it's great. If you want to invest in cryptocurrency, it's great. If you want to invest in the stock market, it's great if you have a 401k. And at the same time, diversification helps. So if it's not, I'm putting all of my eggs in your basket, it's nice to at least put a good chunk into there because you want to have that ability to diversify, because you don't know what's going to happen in some of these other markets in some of these other areas. And so it's it's good to have some money in a more stable, safer investment that still pays out great returns.


Heather Dreves 

No, absolutely. And I, I talk to people all the time that, you know, they'll have $50,000 And they're thinking of going to try and fix and flip a house and put all their 50 grand into that they have a full time job. You know, and I've done that on weekends and nights. And it's not very fun. And you know, like I tell them, you when you put your money in the fun, it's diversified over hundreds of notes. And you know, at any given time, probably 40 to 50 properties. So, you know, it does blended and it gives you a better average yield and putting all your eggs into one basket and one project that may or may not be profitable for you let the experts do it for you. And again, it is diversified.


Mike Swenson 

Yeah, and the other thing that I just wanted to touch back on to you know, when you were talking about self directed IRAs, so for people that you know, don't know what that is and you had mentioned about, you know, picking a fund manager, you know, essentially like, like you had said previously, if I have money in an IRA of a past employer or something like that, you can use that funds for, you know, what, what you guys are doing. And so really the processes, yeah, you contact one of these people that set up the self directed IRA, and you basically just go to them and say, here's where my money was, I want you to help set it up so that I can set up this IRA, to be able to put money with secured investment Corp. And here's what I want to do.


Mike Swenson 

So for people that don't understand how that self directed IRA process works, it's really just like that I've got money over here, I need to talk to somebody that's going to set up this fund for me, so that I can then go invest it in something like what you have to offer. And it really is that simple. Like you said, you you've got some paperwork to fill out, there's some hoops that eventually have to jump through. But the nice thing is, is you can have a say, in how your money is spent, or how your money is invested. It's not, hey, this employer five, you know, five years ago or 10 years ago, it's in one of their funds that, you know, I don't know what it's doing, or what it's invested in, or anything like that, you get a say in how you invest it. And because it's through an IRA, there's more restrictions than if I just was investing my, you know, savings in that same time, now I'm putting that money to something that could give me a better return. So that would be why would I do a self directed IRA and something like this, versus just leaving it with that past employer and not even knowing what's going to happen with it?


Heather Dreves 

Right. And it is that simple. And that's what is self directed custodian, therefore, is to help navigate through that process. I mean, it is literally that easy. This is where my account is, they will even contact them move everything over. And you know, the benefit is, you're directing it, you're picking and choosing where you want to invest it, you're not paying a financial advisor or money manager, some absorbent fees to dictate where you're going to put your money based on really what kind of commissions they make, let's be honest, that's typically how that's navigated. And there's so many resources and options out there, even outside of our company, you know, that you can deploy your capital through. And those accounts are just tax deferred accounts. I mean, we, we work with a lot of people that just have liquid money that they're looking to invest. So I don't want people to think they have to set up a self directed account. I'm just really passionate about those. And I don't think there's enough information out there. So like I said, they are welcome to get a hold of me, I will give them some references for different custodians. Because they a lot of them do, you know, educational webinars, podcasts, things like that, where they can learn more about that.


Mike Swenson 

Yeah, and I think for a lot of people, because so many people switch jobs every couple of years, now, they're likely to have something like that. And because they haven't done anything with it, it probably means they don't know what they can do with it. And so I think that's where for a lot of people, they don't realize, like, oh, I can actually put this somewhere else versus just leaving it with that past employer until I'm ready to retire. So I think just getting the message out there, like, yeah, you can have an active role in what happens with that. And yeah, you may have forgot about it five or 10 years ago, and there might be 10 $20,000 in there or something like that, or more, why not put it to use and then have control over it. And then you can put additional contributions to that and help it to grow. So I think that's where, you know, you can really help it work for you versus just feeling like, oh, I left that job five years ago, and I really don't know what I can do with that. And I, I guess I just have to leave it there. No, you don't you can you can do something with it and and make a good investment decision with it.


Heather Dreves 



Mike Swenson 

You touched on how you're investing with kind of the traditional investor, for people that are going down that route? How would they be able to work with you? Or what does that process look like? Yeah,


Heather Dreves 

what I would encourage them to do is get a hold of us, you know, you can call our 800 number at 809 71598 that rings right into my office and my team, and we'd be more than happy to, you know, talk with anybody help them you know, better understand, obviously, we only have so much time here, and there's a lot of information. So again, that's 800-971-5988 or they can always visit our website at secured investment That's and they can schedule an appointment with myself and my team on there are two, we've got a lot of information on there about our funds, and some of the other things that we offer. So we'd love to talk with there's no obligation. You know, like I said, we feel passionate about the opportunity to invest in the Fund. We feel fairly knowledgeable about self directed IRAs that people are looking for more information, so I encourage them to go to the website or give us a call.


Mike Swenson 

Now these would be for people like hey, I'm looking to buy a property. I may not have the funds right now or I may not be able to access the funds but I've been an experienced investor in the past or an experienced flipper in the past, and you can lend the money to that person. And then in the meantime, that's where my $1,000 is going when I'm investing it into that larger fund, correct? Absolutely.


Heather Dreves 

And we have a lot of clients that do both. We have active real estate investors that borrow money from us. And a lot of times they'll take a portion of their profit and invested into the fun. One of the things that we encourage here, get paid every way, have multiple streams of income, you know, if you're an investment real estate investor, be the broker be the, the agent, you know, there's no reason that this is any different. This is another stream of income to create wealth for yourself, because it's not going to happen with an eight to five job, you need to call them side hustle. Yep, invest passively be active, have your day job, you know, it's that important.


Mike Swenson 

Yep. And just to be clear here, too, like I don't have to live in Spokane or Incorta lane, to be able to do that I can live in Minnesota, and still have the fund and invest in my real estate.


Heather Dreves 

Absolutely. And we lend nationwide to we lend money on properties all over. So no, you do not have to be local.


Mike Swenson 

Any other last words that you want to share with folks are stories to share success stories or anything like that, or any tips for folks?


Heather Dreves 

Yeah, I mean, I just like I said, I think my passion comes from being able to, to help people create wealth, and I, I have everything from high net worth individuals that invest their money and travel all over the world and just look for their fun check, you know, when they're not even touching their principal, to the people that are just getting started. And I think that's kind of where my passion right now is, is really like the younger generation or even people that you know, are in their 40s and 50s, that never started investing start, you have to start, it doesn't matter how much you have, what age you are, if you don't ever start, you're never going to create wealth for yourself.


Heather Dreves 

So I just encourage them to reach out, like I said, there's no obligation to call us, we're really here just to share our knowledge and, and our experiences. And, you know, I have a million stories of people that have, you know, pulled all their money out of the stock market, which like you said, I believe in diversification. So I'm not here to say put all your eggs in our basket. But I do think that there is a lot more opportunity out there. And people really understand. So educate yourself. And I'd be happy to point people in directions where they can get that education, even if they're not ready to start doing anything yet.


Mike Swenson 

Yeah, we always tell people, the the two best times to plant a tree are 20 years ago. And then the second best time is today. So if you're saying, I want to invest in real estate, I don't know where to what to do, but I have $1,000 You can call Heather and Heather's going to help you get started with that so that you could be a real estate investor. Now here by the end of the year, if that's a goal of yours, it's a very passive way, get your foot in the door get started. And you can build from there. Absolutely. Awesome. Well, thanks so much, Heather, for coming on. I know you shared website I know you shared phone number, any other way that folks could get ahold of you or reach out to you.


Heather Dreves 

We're on Facebook, we're on Instagram, LinkedIn, you know, all of those ways are you will get to us. Like I said the websites probably your best option because you can actually schedule an appointment right on there, you know, that works for their schedule. So again, that website


Mike Swenson 

Awesome. Thanks so much for coming on show. You're like that you want to help people, and that you want to help people that maybe want to get started and don't know what to do. So it's definitely a great spot in the market. And especially for those folks that don't have the $50,000 $100,000 yet, you can start today and get going. So thanks so much for coming on and sharing. We really appreciate it.


Heather Dreves 

Thanks for having me.


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