Jess Lenouvel: Building A 7 Figure Real Estate Agent Business


Jess Lenouvel is BACK on the podcast for a 2nd time! She recently published her book "More Money, Less Hustle: Becoming the 7-Figure Real Estate Agent." Jess also made the move to The Bahamas, providing an example that you can live the life you want while building the business you want. She loves to help people scale their businesses. She says, "My mission is to help realtors scale efficiently and create a life of freedom...the reality for most entrepreneurs is a hamster wheel to burnout." With over 14 years of experience as an agent and having built and scaled her real estate business, she realized her true passion comes alive in training and coaching others. This is why she founded The Listings Lab. She now has helped 1,000+ real estate agents grow to 7 figure businesses. If you want to see the first time she was on our podcast, be sure to check out episode 53!


In this episode, hosted by Mike Swenson, we discussed:

  • Jess worked hard to set up her business properly to build a life full of freedom, and how you can too!
  • Three reasons why people get into real estate.
    • Unlimited income
    • Set your own schedule
    • Help people
  • Having a strategy can compress timeframes to accomplish your goals more quickly.
  • Marketing provides the lifeblood of a business.
  • Marketing is understanding your ideal clients to reflect and provide solutions.
  • It's not about tactics, but strategy.
  • Make sure that your strategy and foundations for marketing is solid.
  • In marketing, you have to look at feedback.
  • No matter how great you are, you have weaknesses.
  • Speed always wins.
  • Vision is the most important foundation.



0:00 - Intro of Jess’ career
2:20 - Her New Book
8:53 - Mindset
14:11 - Marketing
16:19 - When things go wrong
19:15 - Building a team
24:56 - Vision
30:02 - Living In The Bahamas
35:16 - Learn more about her business


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Full transcript here:

Mike Swenson 

Oh welcome everybody to the REL Freedom Podcast where we talk about building wealth, and gaining time and financial freedom through different opportunities in real estate. And today, I think we have our first repeat guest in our podcast history, we're little under 100 episodes. And so we're so excited to have Jess Lenouvel, come back and talk with us about what she's working on, which is her new book called more money, less hustle. And it's out now just came out a couple of weeks ago. And so if you haven't checked it out yet, if you go to Amazon, you'll see it's got a five star review. And as of right now, it's listed as the number one best seller in real estate sales. And so for those that don't know, Jess, she founded the listings lab, and is working on coaching real estate agents to grow their business to seven figures.


Mike Swenson 

So if you're a real estate agent right now, and your business is not seven figures, that's where Jess is that is helping coach you to get from five to six to seven figures, and as grown her own team to multi seven, seven figure business, and you recently moved to the Bahamas, being able to practice what you preach. And, you know, have that time and financial freedom to do what you want, when you want, how you want to do it. So we're so excited to have you back on the show and give us an update and to continue our conversation. So thanks so much for coming on.


Jess Lenouvel 

Thank you so much for having me. I'm excited to be back.


Mike Swenson 

Why don't we just go ahead and kind of start with the obvious here your book, you know, we had a really good conversation when you're on just talking about things that real estate agents should be doing and aren't doing things that maybe they haven't thought about doing and could be doing. And and I'm sure that's really kind of the main drive for your book is, you know, putting a message out there, I had read that you wanted to write this book, because it's a message of people that it's not out there, and you wanted to make sure that that message is out there. And so share a little bit about kind of the why behind the book and how it got started.


Jess Lenouvel 

Yeah, I was never that person who was excited about writing a book. It was not like, everyone's got these like vision boards that they're gonna write a book one day, and that was not me, I had an at pretty much no desire at all to write a book. But the more that I started talking to people and coaching people, and, you know, looking at the books and looking at the resources that are out there, the more that I realized that I kind of had to this book was I dictated the whole thing. So it was originally literally just like, it wasn't like a systematized sit down, write out like a series of chapters, I just spoke from the heart, I got out what I felt really needed to get out. And the premise behind it is I think that there is far too much messaging out there that teaches the hustle and the grind and that crushing it mentality that leads to a lot of burnout. And I think we have


Jess Lenouvel 

a generation of extremely unhappy, tired agents, and frustrated, stuck, whatever you want to call it. And I think a lot of it just comes down to some fundamental issues of what's been taught for so long. So I flipped the script. And I wrote this book on you know, more money, less hustle, how to leverage properly how to really become that seven figure agent with freedom. And I think that that's really what differentiates what we do overall in the industry from what so many other people do. It's a focus on that seven figure number, not from an ego standpoint, not from $1 figure in your bank account. It's because that number, if used properly. And if the business is set up properly behind it can lead to a very happy life, a life that is full of freedom.


Jess Lenouvel 

And you know, the main three reasons why people get into real estate in the first place, which is unlimited income, being able to control or set your own schedule that like the freedom piece, and being able to help people. And most agents never actually reach that Trifecta because they become the bottlenecks in their business. And it was really important to me to put a message out there that showed people that it is 100% possible. And almost anybody can have that if they just approached the business differently than unfortunately we've been taught for, you know, decades and decades. And so that's really what the foundation for the book really was. I started The book with a chapter that we call the spaghetti incident, which is, you know, my own story of when I realized that my business was set up incorrectly originally, every single mistake in the book I've made too and rectified it.


Jess Lenouvel 

And so a lot of it, a lot of what is in the book is told not only through, you know, methodologies and through, you know, concepts, but also through personal story. Because I have been that burnt out agent, the first time I hit seven figures, I did it alone, with no team had no leverage, no automation, and really no help. And my phone would ring and I would hand my phone to my husband as I cried, because it was too much I was burnt out, I was exhausted, I had no life outside my business. And it was not only affecting myself, in my own my own mental health, it was affecting my marriage, it was affecting my like family and my relationships. And it honestly was a bit of a disaster. And I had so I had this egocentric ability to say I was a seven figure agent with absolutely none of the joy that should have been associated with it.


Jess Lenouvel 

So this is really like this book is for everyone keeps asking me who's this book for? This book is not only for agents who are at six figures going to seven figures, this book is for every agent out there, because the people who are already quote unquote, successful or who have a certain level of business under their belt, it's for them to rejig things, so that they can actually have the happy, healthy seven figure with freedom lifestyle. But it's also for those newer agents who don't have to make the mistakes that all of us have made, that they don't have to burn out, they don't have to struggle, they don't have to go through the pain that so many of us have gone through. And so really, it's kind of for everybody. And I wrote it specifically that way.


Jess Lenouvel 

So that it doesn't really matter what level of agent you're at. You're, it's it's the blueprint. And when I wrote the book, obviously, I can't put absolutely everything in a book, no one would ever read the whole thing. So what we did is on the back end of the book, we actually created a course that is free that goes along with the book called The Seven figure starter kit. And there are trainings for every single pillar in the book. So every chapter, or every every overall pillar or concept in the book, also has a training that goes along with it. So it's like the what and then the how. And so I think that that is quite unique. And I wanted to make sure that anybody who reads the book or buys the book is getting like the ultimate value out of it. And that they can really see a different path forward than what they thought things had to look like.


Mike Swenson 

And I think a lot of times, like just kind of going back to what you're saying about who this book applies for. You know, so many times in real estate, they talk about the hockey stick growth, right. And there's a lot of agents where it's like, you're going, you're going, you're going and then all sudden it takes off. The reality is there's so many agents out there to where it, it looks like this really awkward looking line graph where it's you've got ups and downs and plateaus, and you're still figuring things out. And so one of the one of the Seven Pillars you talk about is mindset. And for those agents that are struggling, it's being able to take a step back and think through things and really put together a plan and challenge how you think about your time challenge how you think about spending your money, you know, those types of things to get to where you want to go. And so yeah, even if you're, if you're not at six figures yet, or you're just really struggling and trying to figure out is real estate right for me, what?


Jess Lenouvel 

What is really what is this crazy real estate world? Right?


Mike Swenson 

Right. And I think what so many people don't see and big reason why I wanted to start this podcast is to highlight people that have had success, and can share about the struggles that they've had. Because yeah, we could look up and say, Oh, Jess, you know, she's living in the Bahamas, she's making seven figures, and she's got all this wisdom and knowledge. And they just gloss over all the hard work that you had to go through to get there all the pain that you had to go through all the struggles. And we want to empathize with those people and say that's real, that's tough. But if you take some time and think about these things in a strategic way, you can compress the timeframes and do it faster or easier or more streamline than somebody else, doesn't mean you don't have to still work hard. But But I think that's where mindset is really key.


Jess Lenouvel 

Absolutely. And I think that the way that I look at my role in the industry now, is that yes, it's to compress time, but it's also to stop people from making the same mistakes over and over again. You know, and I made those mistakes, because nobody was telling me that they were mistakes. Everyone out there was, you know, the rah rah like no pain, no gain, like, it was just this this constant, like, you know, you know, show up and struggle and do the things and be tough. And I think that that's probably one of the most dangerous messages that we have in the industry. Because that's actually it's not sustainable.


Jess Lenouvel 

And if you build your business based on hustle and motivation, as soon as you stop the hustle, or you become unmotivated, which let's be honest, human beings are not motivated every single day, and you have no leverage, no systems, no automation, you don't have that, like the basis of a real business to hold up the foundation of the house, then things crumble. And it's, it's really unfortunate, because I've seen so many agents skyrocket to the top and then they disappear. And they disappear because they've done it, quote, unquote, the wrong way. And they're burnt out, and they don't have the ability to take six months of a vacation or, you know, do those things. And so I talked to so many agents who have who say to me, I've been really successful, I don't want to go back there. I'm happy doing, you know, 1520 deals a year, because I know what it I know what it looked like to do 150 deals a year, and I don't I don't want that life.


Jess Lenouvel 

But the truth is, is that you don't have to, you can do are gonna have deals a year. Yeah, you can have both. And I think that the trade off happens all the time, because people don't have a book like this. That's why I wrote it was so that people could see that. Getting stuck in that 250 to $500,000 range is actually one of the most painful parts of the business, because everything is still on your shoulders. Until you scale a little further. You can have the seven figure income, the seven figure profits, which to some people listening to this right now is she people are gonna think Yeah, yeah, that's for someone else. And I used to think that too, right?


Jess Lenouvel 

Growing up, we have this family joke. That growing up, my mom always used to say, this girl is going to have to marry well, because she has expensive tastes. Even as a child, she has expensive taste. And like, they didn't see me as that entrepreneurial person, they were like, We don't know what we're going to do with her, like, what is just going to turn into. But it just really goes to show that I'm not special. And the things that are in this book, and the things that I teach are there for everybody. And seven figures, eight figures, I'm going to a mastermind this week with that you get like eight, nine figure entrepreneurs, and every single person there is a totally normal person. There's nothing that makes them crazy exceptional.


Jess Lenouvel 

They're very good at highlighting their strengths, and they get help with everything else that they're bad at. And it's the same thing with me, there is absolutely no way that I would have the business that I have today. And I'd be living in the Bahamas if it wasn't for my team. And it comes down to if I had tried to build this business off my own back, using only my time, my energy, my bandwidth, my you know, all of those things, there's absolutely no way that we would be where we are. So it really the pillars that we dig into in this book, are we call them pillars for a reason. They are literally the foundations of the house that are going to allow you to build up and without them, it makes it very hard and you're kind of building a house of cards


Mike Swenson 

now. Okay, so we talked a little bit about mindset. And you know, you you love talking about marketing. So just for folks that and we'll cover the rest of them too, but I think that's the one that sticks out too. So what what can you say for somebody that hasn't heard you before hasn't gotten the book yet? And they're like, Okay, just tell me about marketing. What do I need to know, what am I doing wrong? Or I should say, what do I need to do? Instead of what am I doing? So?


Jess Lenouvel 

So marketing is one of the pillars that I talked about in the book. I love marketing. I think that it's fantastic. I think that most agents are really bad marketers and like, it's just because it's not something that we're taught. We're taught how to be a real estate agent. We're not taught how to be a marketer. Yep. But marketing creates or provides the lifeblood for the business. If you don't have clients and you don't have essentially an ongoing consistent way of generating clients in an automated way. You're always going to be hustling and grinding and struggling and you're always gonna ride the roller coaster, which is why I love I love the marketing pillar so much. Marketing is human psychology. And it's not creating as many billboards as possible. It's not using your social media like a billboard or running ads with your business card.


Jess Lenouvel 

It's, that's not marketing. Marketing is truly understanding what's in the back of your ideal clients head and being able to reflect that back to them and then provide a solution. And so it really comes down to doing a market research, understanding the messaging, getting to a point where you can step into your ideal clients shoes, and then like your it's basically like you can jump ship. And the more that you understand the messaging and the more it's not it, it's the fundamentals of marketing that most agents are missing. It's not the actual, like the tactics, people all the time will, will will message me and be like, can you teach me reels? I'm like, Sure, I can teach your reels. But I can't teach you anything that's going to work until we understand the pains, problems, fears and desires of the people that you want to attract. Right. It's not about the it's not about the platform. And it's not about the reel. And it's not about it's not about the tactics, it's about the strategy.


Mike Swenson 

Yep. You could you could be really good at making reels, the concept of but if your messaging is terrible, then it's not going to land, right.


Jess Lenouvel 

100%. And I think that that's really the issue that I get all the time, people will say to me, I've tried Facebook ads, they don't work. And my answer to that is that's so interesting, because Nike runs Facebook ads. Are you telling me that, that Facebook ads don't work and Nikes just running a whole bunch of Facebook ads that don't work? Of course, they work? Of course they work. And they work when they're when they're works properly? And if they work when you're, you know, when the strategy is right? Throwing up throwing up an ad or boosting a post here, are they here, there's going to waste your money. And I think so many agents throw a bunch of spaghetti at the wall and they hope that it sticks and then when not a lot sticks, then they get all stressed out that they don't that it doesn't work. But it really comes down to the strategy. So it really just comes down to making sure that the strategy, the foundations for your marketing, just like the foundations for your business, the foundations for everything. They're solid, and you're not you're you're approaching this as a seasoned marketer, and not just as an agent trying to run a couple ads.


Mike Swenson 

Yeah, well, and I think sometimes too, you you, you run an ad or you you do something marketing related, you don't see the results and you give up. And then what happens is if you would have just kept doing it a little bit longer, you might have seen that fruit from it. And so I know I mean, gosh, 678 years ago, I was talking with an agent that had run some postcards to a specific targeted audience. And they did it for five months, they gave up and then like two months later, they started to see some response to those postcards. And they're like, Oh, I just gave up too soon. It was a good message it took me longer than I thought


Jess Lenouvel 

it will exactly. And I think that, you know, the way that we have to look at marketing to is that everything's feedback. People are like, Oh, it failed. No, it only failed because you stopped. Right and and the feedback that we get, and then we iterate from the feedback. Okay, that didn't work. Great. Now, we know that this didn't work very well. Let's now like, try this. And it comes down to just like that's what business is this misses a game and a puzzle. It's finding and iterating and, and figuring out what does work. And the beautiful thing I love about mentoring and coaching and books and being able to put this information out there is that I get to do all I get to make the mistakes, I get to fail and iterate so that so many other people don't have to


Mike Swenson 

we talked about mindset, we talked about marketing a little bit, tell me a little bit more just because you had already touched on it, you know, building a team. So team hiring and leadership, that's another one of those concepts. Yeah, talk a little bit about the importance of that. Because I know a lot of times you hear about the solo agent and they're just, you know, I'm gonna do it myself. I'm gonna go after it. I can't trust anybody. You know, I can't take time.


Jess Lenouvel 

No can do it as well as I can write. Yeah,


Mike Swenson 

talk about that a little bit. What's important for for the listener to know.


Jess Lenouvel 

So I think that it's really important to understand that no matter how great you think that you are, you have weaknesses. And there are things that you're really good at. I like to call them that your zone of genius, which is like the things that you're really good at and you really love doing. And imagine you could spend all your time on the $1,000 an hour plus tasks that you absolutely love to do. They give you energy, and that you're really good at how awesome would your days be, as opposed to, right. And so that really becomes like the goal or like the direction that we want to go in. Everything else that isn't that is below below your paygrade gets eliminated, automated or outsourced. And that's not my, that's from Tim Ferriss. He's absolutely brilliant. If you haven't read The Four Hour Workweek, you should, even though no agent is going to work only four hours, but the concept behind it, and the way that he structures or goes through the tasks in a business is brilliant.


Jess Lenouvel 

And so we want to look at what can be eliminated first, like what's redundant, what can be automated, meaning like, there's so many agents out there that are paying someone a full time salary, to do a handful of things that a piece of software could do for 500 bucks a year. And not only is it time inefficient, but it's also incredibly, you know, financially inefficient. So when we, when we look at things as like a whole bunch of like a clock, right, your team, your automation, your systems, everything is this clock. And when everything works well together, then the clock runs, and it runs without someone having to manually put in all of this effort to turn this wheel that is exhausting, and leads to burnout. So when we look at it that way, it just comes down to getting all of the pieces in the right place, getting all the right people in the right seats, doing the thing that is their zone of genius, right, like I have a COO in my company, her name's Ashley, she is absolutely brilliant at what she does.


Jess Lenouvel 

But if I gave her a job to do that was like, I don't know like to like code, something for the back end of our website. Granted, Ashley could probably figure it out. But that's not her zone of genius. And that would be draining for her, it would take her longer than someone else. And it would it would slow the momentum of what we're trying to build. And speed always wins. And that's something that I love to teach, because so often we allow ourselves to get caught up in the perfectionism, or the you know, being afraid to launch and what we tell people all the time is you have to launch to learn.Get it out there, see what happens, get the feedback, and then iterate it.


Jess Lenouvel 

And if there's one thing that you get from me, it would be that now from a team standpoint, though, it really comes down to don't hire what you don't need. And so what we really like to do is look at the tasks, like do a task audit or an energy audit, I provided in the seven figure kit in the book, you do an energy audit, that that essentially breaks down absolutely everything in your business and your personal life. Because we're trying to free up as much time as possible. And usually what I mean, I can tell somebody how much they're making based on their calendar, or based on their energy audit. Because I can say, Okay, you're spending half of your day, every day on $10 An hour tasks. If we took these $10 An hour tasks off your plate and replace them with $1,000 An hour tasks. This is how much more money that you would make.


Jess Lenouvel 

It's it's literally just it's a puzzle, and it's math. And so often when we get caught up in this, why would I pay someone $30 to do this thing, when I can just do it? Well, you pay someone $30, so that you can make an extra $970 Like in the value of that hour. And that's really what kind of changes the game when it comes to automation and team. Because that is going to get you the most bang for your buck. And we do the same thing, every single person on our team energy audits. And if there's something that is below their paygrade that we're below their expertise level that they're doing, it gets outsourced or it gets automated.


Jess Lenouvel 

Because I want every person on the team to be as efficient and effective as possible and using their hours, which is the biggest resource we have. I don't care how much something costs if it's gonna save me time. It's worth it. Yep. Right, I can make more money, I cannot create more time. And so it really just all kind of wraps around to say, you know, so many people will spend time to save money, and it's backwards, especially if you want to grow quickly. Okay, so


Mike Swenson 

So then to you know, just the other topics that we haven't you know, quite specifically touched on so we have clients and signature system sales, operations and vision. Is there any one of those that you want to maybe just pick on for a couple minutes here and chat about


Jess Lenouvel 

Uh, yeah, I think I think that the most important foundation is the vision part. And I think it's the part that most people don't spend the time on. I want to know where you want to be five years from now so that we can reverse engineer it. So many programs, and so many people out there are building for the sake of building without a specific, a specific idea of exactly what they're building towards. And then what ends up happening is five years from now you wake up and you're like, this isn't what I wanted. Yep. And it's because that intentionality wasn't there. And like the dream wasn't reverse engineered. Yep. And, you know, people will say to me all the time, oh, my gosh, you are like living my dream. And I'm like, Well, this was my dream, too.


Jess Lenouvel 

And I just, you know, had it knew exactly what it looked like, and then reverse engineered it. And every single decision I made, and every single step I took was in this direction. And if you if you use energy in one direction, it's far more effective than just, you know, throwing a bunch of spaghetti at the wall all over the place. And, and, you know, you know, I'm focusing here and focusing there, I think there's just way too much science shiny object syndrome in the business. And we get distracted so easily that when you have your vision really nailed down. You're, you constantly know, is this a yes? Or is this a no does this does this get me closer to the to my vision? Or is this a distraction? And it makes every decision super easy?


Mike Swenson 

Yeah, I was just at a at a real estate investing conference a couple of weeks ago. And they they kind of started by taking a poll of, you know, who here feels like you're at where you want to be? And who doesn't, and I would say maybe 95% of the room didn't raise their hand as far as where they are, where they you know, where they're at, is where they want to be. And the guy simply said, he said, You know, it's, it's because you don't really know what you want, and you're not focusing on it every day. And and, and it's so funny, like, sometimes those simple messages just hit you. And you're like, Duh, yeah, yes. Yeah.


Jess Lenouvel 

So I went at my listings lab live event in March of 2020. I got on stage. And I, I didn't introduce myself, I didn't say anything I just said, Okay, so there's a lot of you in this room right now. How many of you believe that you were put in this in this world to sell real estate that it is your mission in life that it is it is your calling, nobody put their hand to people out of like, hundreds of people put their hand up? And I said, See, look around? Why are you spending 90% of your time? Selling real estate? Why aren't you building something that allows you a path out of production? So the so that real estate is the vehicle for the life that you want, not the other way around? Yep. And I think that that really hit home because people were like, Oh, my gosh, my priorities are messed up. I'm missing my kids baseball games. And I missing, you know, my yoga class that I love to go to, or I'm missing date night with my husband or wife because I'm I haven't built the type of business that allows me what I got into business war in the first place,


Mike Swenson 

huh? Yep. Yeah. And well, and I, a perfect example for that, for me personally, is, you know, we had recently done a home renovation for an investment property. And we didn't plan things out, well, we kind of got sucked into more stuff than we did. And it's I spent more time nights and weekends away from my family. Well, what's the point of me doing this to be able to spend more time with my, with my wife and my family? And here I am spending less time with my wife and my family to do these things? And you just realize that yeah, that goes back to needing to plan and proactively think about what do I want? And what am I willing to give up for while you're, I gave up time with my, with my kids, and my wife.


Mike Swenson 

And it didn't really serve a purpose for me, and I wake up and I think, what the heck am I doing here? So exactly what you're talking about it, it makes a lot of sense. And you don't always realize it until you're in it. And so doing an audit, you know, something periodically to just take a step back and say, Hey, how am I doing here is really helpful. I can say I can say the right thing that doesn't matter necessarily mean I always do the right thing. And so it's you know, also just doing a check of making sure that the audio matches the visual because I can conceptually tell you what I what I should be doing. That doesn't mean that I'm always doing it that way.


Mike Swenson 

Anything else that you want to share? I mean, we just had a short conversation here. I mean, we could chat for hours about this stuff. You got a chance to move to the Bahamas. So tell people what's it been like being able to do something like you said, people, people that say you're doing what I want to be doing Meanwhile, you've been able to do that now, by going to the Bahamas,


Jess Lenouvel 

I really think that that being here has just sort of solidified that. I've been on the right path. And, you know, my husband and I were talking the other night, and we were like, okay, like, we need to get really clear on the vision for now that we're here, we need to get really clear on like, what's the vision moving forward? And we do that stuff together? Because, you know, imagine if my vision and his vision went and come to completely different ways we'd be in trouble, right? Yep. So it really comes down to what what are what is the vision? What is the next vision of what of what we want our lives to look like our days to look like? How do we want to be spending our time and you know, what's, and how, how is the business, going to serve the most people create the most transformation, but also serve that vision?


Jess Lenouvel 

Because, you know, I think that so many people martyr themselves on the altar of their business. And that's not what the business is for. The business is to create change and positive outcomes for the people that you serve, but also for yourself. And so you know, getting, like for us like this, this piece of the vision is real. And we're so grateful and so happy. And we wake up every day, I wake up every day, and I get a coffee and I walk outside and I look at the ocean. And I can go to I can go down to the beach. And I can you know, it's I'm looking at palm trees and like to me like that was it. That was what I always wanted. And I always dreamed of. And it's here and no. So it this is what made everything worth it. And I think so often what happens is people don't ever get that. They don't get that. This is why I've done all of this. Because the vision piece is missing are the direction and we're not reverse engineering the dream. We're just kind of spraying and praying,


Mike Swenson 

going back to wanting to follow people that are in a spot where you want to be is really important. And you've been able to do that so many people would love to say, Hey, I'd love to make all this money and to live in the Bahamas. But But yeah, so it's just feels like a pipe dream where you're somebody that's doing it because you've put this this plan together. So if you want to have more money, and have less hustle and live in the Bahamas and do a justice doing, then take the time to read the book and follow the steps. You know, I think a lot of times two people read a book. And it's to check off a box of Oh, my goal is to read 50 books this year. Yep, more money, less hassle check. Now I'm gonna move on to the next one. But what if you just took this? And just, what if this was the only book you read this year? And you actually implemented every step of the book? Do you think you'd be in a better spot? Just to read 49 More books?


Jess Lenouvel 

I agree. I agree entirely. And I think that that is there's this overconsumption of information and no action. And that is really going to swapping that and doing exactly what you just said, Take whether it's my book, or whether it's another book, take the information, actually take action on it. And it will that your life, your life will change in a positive direction, no matter what. There is no way that it won't. And I mean, the book came out on the 17th of May. And I've already had people who have messaged me saying I've read this book three times. And I, I have a million notes. And that's how this book is intended to be read. It's not intended to be like a page turner that you read once and then you know, you tell people Oh, I once read this awesome book by Jeff Lavelle. It's meant to be essentially like a like a Bible or like a blueprint for the life that you want.


Mike Swenson 

Well, thank you so much for coming on and sharing just a few pieces of wisdom. I've done a lot of podcasts, you deliver so much meat so much like actual good stuff, that people I mean, I have pages of notes and I you know, there's a lot of episodes I do or I don't take notes or I just write a couple of things down but like you're just reinforcing things that I need to keep teaching myself things that I need to be talking to my team about. And so I can confidently say that I'm going to get the book and start reading it because because it's it's it's tangible. And yeah, I would rather read one book and just hammer and spend my time working on those things to get what I want and yeah, it's like I said so many people want to be where you are there. just not willing to take the time and maybe live the mundane of getting it right. And so


Jess Lenouvel 

this short period of time for an eternity of gain, right. And so I say that all the time, it's gonna get a little hairy for a short period of time, but I promise you, it's worth it.


Mike Swenson 

Well, where can folks pick up your book and also learn more to about the listings lab?


Jess Lenouvel 

It's available right now on ebook and also in paperback. I have. I'm going to Croatia tomorrow. And when I get back, I'm recording the audiobook. So but yeah, it'll Amazon's probably your easiest bet. It's also available on Barnes and Noble online. And that's all that I know so far.


Mike Swenson 

Thanks so much, Jess, for coming on. Thank you for just being a wealth of information. And I highly encourage people just spend the time do the work, implement the stuff that you're teaching because more than any other book out there, I'm sure this this is it's it's worthwhile. It's worth doing. If you want to be in the Bahamas. If you could be looking at palm trees and also impacted a lot of this book is going to be thanks so much for coming on.


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