Ty Morgan: Finding Freedom When Life Throws A Curveball


Time and Financial Freedom is an important pursuit, because you never know when life is going to throw you a curveball. Last year, while in the womb, Ty's son was diagnosed with a fatal condition called Bilateral Renal Agenesis. Refusing to accept their options of abortion or carry to term with stillbirth, Ty and his wife pushed forward and are so excited to share he was born on 1/21/21. Because of the financial freedom Ty has created, he was able to be fully present for his family during a very tough time. As the founder of Infinite Planning, Ty helps educate and inspire others to take control of their financial life. He's also now started a nonprofit called Silent Guardian-Angels to help others in a similar situation.


In this episode, hosted by Mike Swenson, we discussed:

  • Ty Morgan is the founder of infinite planning, where his goal is to educate and inspire individuals to take control of their financial lives through proper education and coaching. He's also founded a nonprofit organization called Silent Guardian Angels, Inc.
  • He grew up a very small town in Alabama and went to college at West Alabama and played football and then went on to the University of Alabama and get his masters in personal finance. After graduating to University, they moved to Florida.
  • Ty and his wife had a very hard time for their second child due to his medical condition. He was told he was not going to live and could either abort or have a miscarriage at full term. Ty and his wife didn't want either outcome, so they worked to find a different solution.
  • 2020 he expanded his business and is doing coaching & Infinite Banking concept, which you can learn more about on his website. 
  • Out of the difficulty of his son's birth, they started Silent guardian angels, Inc. They started this for two reasons (1) build new peritoneal dialysis catheter prototypes; and (2) to be able to give back to families that will face similar impossible odds in the future.


00:00 - Intro and overview on Ty’s career.
01:30 - Ty’s background and the challenges that they have experienced in the birth of his child.
10:17 - Discussion about infinite planning.
12:47 - Ty’s coaching about financial literacy.
14:07 - Ty’s revenue in real estate.
15:54 - Type of commercial deals that Ty’s offers.
21:35 - Talking about “Silen guardian angel”


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Full transcript here:

Mike Swenson 

Welcome to The Rel Freedom podcast where we inspire you to pursue your passion to gain time and financial freedom through opportunities in real estate. I'm your host, Mike Swenson, let's get some real freedom together.


Mike Swenson 

Alright, welcome, everybody to another episode of Rel Freedom stories. And I'm so excited to share today, we've got Ty Morgan here. And when you think about financial freedom, it's about having the ability to do the things that you want to do. And sometimes the things that you need to do because life comes up and, and, you know, we can't always plan for everything. It's a tie as somebody that has overcome challenges or obstacles in his life. And so you know, you never really know what your financial needs are, what your life needs are. And so that's why when we talk about the pursuit of financial and time freedom, it's for things like that, that are coming up, so, so just a little bit about Ty.


Mike Swenson 

So he's the founder of infinite planning, where his goal is to educate and inspire individuals to take control of their financial lives through proper education and coaching. He's also founded a nonprofit organization called Silent guardian angels, Inc, and is here to share his family's incredible story of overcoming odds, and how financial freedom has allowed you guys to be able to do that. So welcome, Ty. We're so excited to have you. Why don't you just take a couple minutes and tell a little bit more about you,


Ty Morgan 

Hey Mike, super excited to be here and thankful for the opportunity to share with your audience, me, I grew up a very small town in Alabama and went to college at West Alabama and played football and then went on to the University of Alabama and get my masters in personal finance, because I knew that's something that's very important when you're going through life and I wanted to educate people in the future. So always been something that has grabbed my attention, and how I grew up. And then after, after graduating from the University of Alabama, my wife and I, we made the move to Florida. And we love the sunny weather down here. And we have our daughter Blakely who's seven and we just had our our son Grayson, who was just yesterday is nine months old. And those children have changed our lives. And now we're on the way with number three. Number three is on the way. So the family's growing.


Mike Swenson 

Congratulations. Yeah, that's that's really exciting. And, and life certainly can throw some some obstacles at you. So yeah, why don't you just talk a little bit about, you know, the challenges that you guys have experienced this past year as parents?


Ty Morgan 

Yeah, absolutely. So we have our daughter, Blakely. And we knew we wanted to have more children. And so we started trying and 2020. For our second child and bracing in June of 2020. We can see brace them. And for the first three months, everything was good to go. And utero. Bracing was developed nicely, all the ultrasound and the checkups were doing great. And around September 16. We were at a normal visit. And they had trouble and ultrasound actually seeing bracing. So obviously that's a concern. That means that there's low fluid because the ultrasound uses fluid to be able to see the baby in utero. So two weeks later, they had referred us to a specialist on September 29. We went to that specialist, his office in Florida. And we made this dinner COVID time so I'm not allowed into the doctor's office, I'm in the car waiting FaceTiming my wife, and she's in there for about an hour getting an ultrasound done.


Ty Morgan 

And so from that September 16 to September 29, visit the visibility get worse, they're having an even harder time seeing bracing and at the hour long the technician went out of the room and she came back in and said, Your husband's allowed in the doctor needs to speak to both of you. So at that time, I'm all based on my wife. And I know after an hour long ultrasound, something isn't quite right. And the news isn't going to be good. So I'm walking in into the room, my wife's in there. And at this time, she's on FaceTime with her mom, and I walk in the room. And the first thing I just say to my wife is no matter what this doctor says, We're not a morphing this child. I don't know, I just before I went in, and I said a quick prayer to God because I'm a man of faith. And I didn't know what to say.


Ty Morgan 

So I said, God, if you can just put words in my mouth, I'm not gonna know what to say to my wife. That was the first statement I made. And about two to three minutes later, the doctor came into the room. And the first words out of his mouth, or I know really nice, or he gave us the diagnosis, which is bilateral renal agenesis. I mean, it's complete absence of kidneys, and no bladder, and that is 100% lethal condition. And the reason why is because the kidneys produced amniotic fluid, which helps children, the babies in utero develop their lungs. So that's why it's 100% fatal. So he gave us the diagnosis. And then his first statement after that was, I know a really nice abortion clinic. I can refer you guys to or the second option is we can go full term with this child and it'll be stillborn. And you may meet him for five minutes. So just the way I grew up our nose and Alabama hard working and not giving up. I didn't like either one of those options send me my wife, obviously, the emotional toll was pretty great getting that news when we took it. And we went to work and do our research.


Ty Morgan 

And we found out there was a clinical trial going on a brand new clinical trial in 2024, these children called the raft trial. And so we enrolled in that and went through the extensive extensive parts that takes to get into the trial. And we were accepted. And in November, we moved to Baltimore, Maryland for the trial, and we've my wife completed 25, total Ambio infusions, and then brace them was born on January 21 2021.


Mike Swenson 

Wow, that's, it's such an amazing story. And obviously, we'll we'll dig into more after that. But yeah, I mean, you know, you never know what life's gonna throw at you. And, you know, sticking to your morals is really important. But at the same time, like stuff costs money, and life happens. And we have jobs that we have to work. And a lot of times people don't plan for that stuff. When they're thinking about, you know, building wealth, or what is my career look like? What are my choices in my career? Life happens and you guys certainly were an example of that. So yeah, so and then to just just share a little bit, you know, since birth up to now, how things are going I know, you spent a long time in the hospital after that, too. And then we'll kind of go back and and talk about, you know, career life. What happens when in the face of something like this, but yeah, what's what's kind of been the last year like since birth or nine months, I guess.


Ty Morgan 

Yeah, yeah. So he was born January 21 2021. These babies have a 0% chance of life. But what this trial actually what happens is the 25 annual infusions, I'll break that down for everyone. And amulet fusion is just simply saline solution that gets injected into the womb, and goes into the baby's your utero sac. And that acts as the fluid from the swallow to be able to develop their lungs. So during those 25 annual infusions, and Bryson was able to develop it as long as wonderfully, they came out kicking and screaming like any other baby, and obviously, we knew that he was missing his kidney, so we had to take action on that. So his first day of life, what occurred is he had three surgeries, he had a PD catheter, peritoneal dialysis catheter placed, and what that item does is access his kidneys. So fluid comes in and comes out and pulls waste out and will act as his kidneys. He got a G to place for feeding, just just in case, he wasn't able to take things orally, just safety measure. And we put in a central line called a Bravia that gives access to the veins.


Ty Morgan 

So he had three surgeries on his first day life and he handled it like a champ. And then what we do for the peritoneal dialysis catheters is you want to give it time to heal, because the thing is vital for life. So we gave it 11 days before we tried to use it. And we went to use it on the 11th day, and it was clogged and it wouldn't work. So with that, it required additional an additional surgery. So he went back for revision on his peritoneal dialysis catheter. And he came back from a revision surgery. This time it was leaking. So two days later, he went back in for another revision surgery, and he had his third surgery on that peritoneal dialysis catheter. So it just kind of wreaked havoc on his his stomach area, and it just wouldn't work. So we got into quite a bit of a bind with this with this health, because that peritoneal dialysis catheter wouldn't work. And so throughout his whole stay, he stayed 225 days in the NICU, he had 14 Total surgeries.


Ty Morgan 

And we think that you know, seven to eight of those surgeries could have been prevented if peritoneal dialysis catheter function properly. So what me and my wife decided to do after that third revision surgery is to start styling guardian angels. And now we're working on developing a new peritoneal dialysis catheter that won't get clogged on the inside. Bracing came home on my wife's birthday and for 225 days, and he's home with us now. And a month and a half. And he's doing he's doing great. I mean, given the odds of 0% chance of life, and also having all the additional surgeries that the little guy had to have. He's doing great, and I'm happy to have him home so it's been a blessing.


Mike Swenson 

And I'm sure big sister's excited in doing an awesome job as well.


Ty Morgan 

Yeah, she is likely does a wonderful job bracing does not like to be held by his parents as much but when his sister holds him just sleeping This content can be so that's awesome.


Mike Swenson 

Yeah. Yeah. So we Yeah, I mean, we just we just kind of got into it in terms of what's what's been happening in your life as a dad and as a husband. But let's let's kind of stop and go back a little bit, right? Because because you have so you found it infinite planning. Why don't you just talk a little bit about that and kind of what led up to that? Because obviously for instances like this, you know, when when we talk about building time and financial freedom like you, you need to have opportunities to step in and be a dad and be a husband, when, when you have to. And so, you know, that's where it's it's important to plan ahead. So so let's talk about tie the professional now outside of tie the dad and talk a little bit about about that.


Ty Morgan 

Yeah, sure, yeah, both still kind of intertwined. So the idea of infinite planning actually came from I was working a corporate job nine to five, I was making over six figures at a company, car, company, phone, company, credit card, all those things, which on paper is great. But the problem was, I had to work three hours away from home. So I'm commuting and going to work and running the business that I needed to for the corporate side. But when your your five, four, and five year old daughter's chasing you out the door at 4:30am, on Monday, it's not a good feeling. So I knew things had to change. And I knew I had the personal finance master's and I had business experience, I want to combine those two.


Ty Morgan 

And so I found it infinite planning. And that's where I educate and inspire people with financial literacy. So I'm thankful I did start that when I did, because I started that January of 2020. And come, you know, September 2020, we had to make that leap of faith for bracing. And I'd set money aside and different items that we use, and I coach on now. And I thought I was gonna use those to expand my business, but I actually had to do both. So I expanded my business and also use those funds for the moves and relocations for bracing to be born. And when it came to my corporate job, and this is why it's so important, and I preach to people about time first, you know, the money to buy your freedom is because the corporate job I have, as great as it was asked for relocation. And they actually denied it and offered me a $75,000 Pay decreased work remote position, to no thank you. And I went to work my business and got a couple of contracts and doing better now than it was at my corporate position. So really blessed and thankful for that.


Mike Swenson 

Yeah. And I think, you know, sometimes it, you know, I think people who are hesitant to make a leap. You know, there's, there's gonna be challenges. And you know, there are unknowns out there. But at the same time, you're never going to get to that unless you make that leap. And so I think, you know, it's, it's scary to do that. And yeah, I think a lot of times people wonder like, Well, why would I leave such a high paying job? Well, it's because you want to be you want to be home, you want to be with your family? And, and yeah, it takes it takes letting go. But but you're not going to be able to build that life that you want without being able to do that. So yeah, so why don't you talk a little bit about, you know, the the coaching that you do the financial literacy? You know, what are the things that you're teaching folks through infinite planning?


Ty Morgan 

Yes, so what I did with infinite planning is I took what I learned in my master's program, the 10 basic pillars and assign those on there. But the fifth pillar, which is the infinite banking concept, which is what really helped me get my business going, and save us through the bracing journey. So the Infinite Banking concept, or IBC, was derived by our Nelson Nash in the 1980s. And they've been making concept is basically learning the banking process. So it's an individual learning the banking process and applying it at the UN level. So obviously, there's Chase banks, there's wells, Fargo's banks, they're all practicing banking every day, there's actually a way for individuals to do the same thing. And that's through the Infinite Banking concept. And it's just really important in your life with everyday banking occurs, whether you know it or not, and once you become aware of it, and you learn that process, you're able to take advantage of it. The key to the infinite banking concept is imagination. So you really got to be able to use your imagination and think outside the box. So like, as an employee, when I was in my nine to five, I was stuck in my box, as a business owner and learn there's a lot more financial world, you get outside your box, and you think differently. So that's really the key to it. And that's a key pillar that we teach on there.


Mike Swenson 

Okay, cool. So you had mentioned or I see here, that, you know, you manage $30 million in revenue in real estate combined. Talk a little bit about more about that.


Ty Morgan 

Yeah, and so I can kind of, I can kind of give an example of how those work together. But I didn't want another consulting business that was focused on agricultural labor, consulting. But what we do, what we're doing for a client right now is we're taking the Infinite Banking concept. We're putting approximately $500,000 into a policy for him, specifically designed for him and his needs and what we're trying to do, and we're going to, we're going to acquire more real estate for him. So what that's going to do is in the first year, we're putting in $500,000, he has 300,000 available to us, we're going to go acquire about a $1.5 million real estate bill, which is just the math that we've ran and the numbers potentially with this bill, but $100,000 additional year income for him.


Ty Morgan 

So we're going to repeat this for the first four years. And what it's going to look like at the end of the first four years is we Use the we we built, this capital pool of about $2 million is going to have about $1.1 million in cash value. And these inside this infinite banking concept policy is going to have acquired real estate about $4.5 million. Passive income is going to also increase from about $300,000. And the fifth, fifth way, $300,000 per year, per year in the business deals that we're structuring for him is a unique type and agricultural labor, worlds unique type of business, commercial, commercial real estate deals that we're going to take down. And you know, as well as most people do in real estate, there's a lot of tax benefits that come with those deals as well. So that's pretty exciting project that we're working on now.


Mike Swenson 

So what are the types of commercial deals that are done? Is it is it just land, then? Or is it buildings and land or what? What type of stuff is he acquiring?


Ty Morgan 

Yep, so we're acquiring land. And we require buildings to if they've met the specs, we're going to acquire land and put buildings on them specifically for the labor that he provides to farmers. So there's really it's the way that the way the companies are set up. It generates guaranteed income, because farmers obviously to get consumers to get consumers the product, they get that labor, and we provide both the labor and the housing, right now they only do the labor. And we're making that transition into providing the housing because right now the money is flowing to hotels, I want to bring that that cash flow back into the business.


Mike Swenson 

Okay, so, so go, okay, so go back, then I just want to read touch because you rattled off a lot of numbers. So right now he has about $500,000. In real estate land. So So what was the 500? And then you had four and a half million? I'm just trying to understand kind of how that how that process works?


Ty Morgan 

Yeah, so what we're doing is, so first off, we're setting up his infinite banking concept policy, so we're gonna build his banking system. So he has 500,000 of liquidity. So we're gonna put 500,000 into His infinite banking concept policy. So in the first year, we only have about 62% of the cash value to use inside these policies. So we're gonna take that $300,000 and use it as a down payment on his real estate transaction.


Mike Swenson 

There we go. Okay. Got it.


Ty Morgan 

Yeah. And so the real estate real estate, we're estimating, right around 1.5 million after acquisition of land and building, and then running the numbers on what we can charge for the employees, it'll produce a cash flow of a minimum of $100,000 per year. Okay, and then there's, that's the first site and then a couple years, we're going to do that for two additional sites after the first one.


Mike Swenson 

Okay, and what state is that located in?


Ty Morgan 

We're going the three states, we're going to Tennessee, then we're going to Illinois and Texas.


Mike Swenson 

Got it. Okay. Yeah, so it's definitely a different, I mean, a different take on real estate. But then to I mean, the purpose of you know why a lot of people want to invest in real estate, it's because there's a cash flow that comes in, right, and it helps build you financial freedom, where instead of sticking all of your money into stocks, or something like that, where you have to wait till you retire, or like a 401k, wait till you retire before you can draw those funds. Now he's able to get cash flow every month, through opportunities in real estate. So yeah, so that's, that's certainly helpful. So then how are you identifying kind of which properties to target? Is that something that you help with? Or he's already identified? Those?


Ty Morgan 

Yeah, so in my other other consulting business, there's a partner that helps with finding out that real estate and these things just the nature of agricultural labor, why we're consultants in it is, it's good and bad. So it's heavily regulated by the government's there's a lot of specs, we have to go through and get approved. So that kind of narrows it down. And then once we get past, you know, the larger government entities, the local government entities, we have to go in the go in there and make sure we're meeting their requirements. And so sometimes these projects take a little longer, but we actually just get boots on the ground, and where we provide labor and we're scouting out the land and or buildings that we need. And then once we acquire the land and our buildings, we have to remodel it and or build build out the real estate to meet the other government entities because it has very specific criteria. You have to meet in order to house these employees.


Mike Swenson 

Yeah, yeah, that's it. I mean, it's just a totally different take on real estate and investing in real estate because obviously more of what we've talked about is kind of your, your residential, your commercial or multifamily and that kind of stuff, but but also exposing people that yeah, there's a lot that there's a lot of other stuff that happens inside of real estate, and an acre culturals one of them. Do you are there people now is your client, somebody that's grew up in agriculture has been in agriculture their whole life. I'm just kind of curious for somebody that might want to get interested, or might be interested in maybe in more of a passive way, or something like that, like how would somebody get get into, you know what you're what you're doing?


Ty Morgan 

Yeah, I know specifically the clients that I work with now, they grown up in this business. And I took them on as clients as far as the financial coaching side. And after working with him, I said, Hey, there's this huge real estate opportunity for you that you're missing out on. So we kind of transitioned into that. As far as passive I don't necessarily know about in the out in the real estate specifically, I do know other opportunities to invest in farmland, but that are outside of the housing so that the housing is kind of a new take on investing that we just happen to find as we were digging through their businesses. And their big thing is, hey, I want to live a more passive lifestyle, because obviously, the business sometimes there's a lot, it's kind of draining and running the businesses. So that's where we're making that transition in real estate. And we're digging through all the details of the housing. And maybe in the future, that could be something that we create passive income opportunities for other other people outside.


Mike Swenson 

You know, we talk about financial freedom. And obviously, it's important for you guys, and you guys have been able to experience it firsthand. What have you seen in some of the people that you've worked with, in terms of, you know, what, what does financial freedom mean to them? Or how would it play out in their lives when when you do have that passive income coming in, or you are growing your investments to where you have freedom to kind of do the time stuff, like you said, start with time and get to finances after that? How has that played out in what you've seen from some of the clients you've worked with?


Ty Morgan 

Yeah, absolutely. I think the big thing for the clients that I've worked with, they've been primarily business owners. And the big thing there is, obviously, when you're running a business, it's sometimes it can take a lot of time, if you don't step back, and you strategically look at everything you're doing. So we take a strategic view at the business, where can we cut, you know, time and efficiencies. And then where can we identify your cash, cash flow variables as well. So like, for example, one other client that I work with, you know, the minute business for 10 to 15 years, and they never knew their cash flow projections, or made a projection or build the actual budget spreadsheet, even basic things like that, going into a business and making sure that we're just giving them visibility. And we really helped clients and then transition into that time freedom, another client that I've worked with, you know, his business has been running him, and I'm teaching him how to actually run the business. So it's the other way around, and he's able to cut time out and really focus on family time, which for me, that's the biggest win, if you can cut out, you know, people's time, and they can make important, important strategic moves in their life. So that's been a big, big win that I've been able to achieve for that client.


Mike Swenson 

Yeah. And I think that's, uh, I mean, those, those basic financial principles are so important. You know, somebody obviously has been running the business, like you mentioned, without, without cash flow projections, and stuff like that, like they've ran a business for a long time, and haven't really kind of gone back to the the basic core, which is knowing your numbers. And I know in you know, various businesses, for anybody that's listening to this podcast, there's people that do a great job at that. And then there's people that don't, and understanding your numbers is really important, because it helps you to make plans for the future, right, versus, you know, what we don't want to see happen is people just run their business year after year after year, and you get 10 or 15 years down the road, and you don't know what you have to show for it.


Mike Swenson 

You haven't grown it maybe in the way that you can, and you're maybe missing an opportunity to take something where, what if you could make the same income instead of you being 100% active in your business, you were 100% passive in your business, you know, and you're you make the same income. That's where the planning, and the proactivity is so important. And that's where you get a chance to help people see that. Because, yeah, they're they're busy running in their business, not necessarily working on their businesses.


Ty Morgan 

Yeah, you're the nail on the head there, Mike. Absolutely. And yeah, another big thing, too, that when we finally did get the numbers, I'm like, Hey, guys, there's a massive labor shortage in America right now is the time to grow and build more passive income. So now that we see the numbers, we can take them and we can grow their businesses as well. And instead of them working harder, we can work smarter. So that's exactly right. Yeah.


Mike Swenson 

Yeah. So so why don't we take just just a few seconds here then to I mean, I know that it's newer for you, but But talk about Silent guardian angels. You know, obviously, we heard your story of why you started it, but what what do you want to see happen with that growing forward?


Ty Morgan 

Yeah, so where we're at right now is in obviously, we started this number one to build new peritoneal dialysis catheter prototypes. And then number two, to be able to give back to families that will face similar impossible odds in the future. And right now where we're at and that catheter design is in February, we kicked off. Now we're at the patent patent, we're going to apply for the patent on the first design that we have. And then we're gonna have to build a prototype and go to the manufacturers. So and I didn't know this, I'm learning a lot of things. As we go through this nonprofit, when you get into medical devices, there's a lot of time and FDA involvement.


Ty Morgan 

There'll be even though we can go build this prototype and getting the patent, we're probably about three years out on this item, and so that's, that's the peritoneal dialysis catheter. And then the second objective is to be able to give back to family. So the strategy there is to put that patent on by the nonprofit, anything that's generated off this catheter, we'll be able to give to other families as we go. So that's the main goal. And if anyone wants to support, we'd love the support. And that's, that's kind of the goal and mission of silent guardian angels. So I'm learning a lot about nonprofit and a lot about for profit businesses, but the nonprofit is a new space. And I think it's September, we just got our official IRS letter saying we are nonprofits. So that's exciting.


Mike Swenson 

Yeah, that's awesome. Congratulations on that. Such an amazing story. Ty, you've got you know, you're you're running your own business, you're helping people run their businesses, helping them build financial freedom, and then life comes up and life throws a curveball at you. And, and you take any new run with it, and now you're turning it into something else good through this nonprofit organization. So, you know, for people out there that maybe feel stuck in their jobs, maybe feel like, you know, I have to answer to a boss, I don't have the the freedom, they probably look at you and are maybe a little bit overwhelmed at everything that that's happened to you and everything that you've done over the last couple years. But what advice would you give to people that are maybe wanting to be their own boss, just kind of finally jump in? And do that and kind of maybe go into the waters of the unknown a little bit? What What advice would you have for people based on what you've experienced?


Ty Morgan 

Yeah, number one, you got to take action. So my wife all throughout our first couple years together situation, give me an idea, Dr. Because I was always full of ideas, never action. But as soon as I take a leap of faith and take action, that's when things start to happen. So what I mean by that is, find a mentor, find a coach, whether that be online or someone you meet with regularly, you got to do that. So that's the first step. Number two, no matter how hard it gets, or impossible, it seems, don't give up, you know, your your hope is on the way. So that would definitely be the the advice that I give, and then don't be afraid to fail. I mean, failing, I'd say fail forward. Failure is never bad, you can fail forward and everything you do, I've tried a lot of different things in my business. And, you know, every day, I may make little subtle changes, because there's always ways to get better and fail forward. So that's the advice that I would give to people. And it's always better to be your own boss than having a boss. So definitely take the leap of faith sooner than later. I wish I'd have done it sooner.


Mike Swenson 

So for folks that want to find out more about infinite planning, folks that want to find more about Silent guardian angels, how can they get ahold of you? Or just just go research more about what you're working on?


Ty Morgan 

Yeah, absolutely. So infinite planning is and there's a link there, you can schedule a call with me. And then silent guardian angels is www silent guardian You can reach out to us there on the Contact Us page. So infinite planning anyone that's meeting coaching or guidance in your your your life as far as business goes, we can help you there. And then for the nonprofit, if you know anyone facing in possible circumstances, and need guidance on, you know, life journey that they're told they can't do something in regards to help, we can help you there. So that's, that's the best way to reach out to us, Mike.


Mike Swenson 

Awesome, thanks so much for sharing. I mean, it's such a inspiring story, you know, just life coming at you. And you've got to be able to cut and run and, and go with it. And you guys are persevering, and working through it. And so just a great inspiration to others. So thank you for coming on and sharing your story.


Ty Morgan 

Thank you for having me is absolute pleasure. I appreciate that so much.


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