Zackary Boothe: From Window Cleaner To $1 Million In Real Estate


Zackary Boothe started out as a window cleaner. He started his business at the age of 17, grew it to over a dozen employees, and yet was still living paycheck to paycheck. He was looking for a better path for freedom so he jumped into real estate. Within just a few years, Zackary was making over a million dollars per year from real estate investing. As the Founder of Driving For Dollars Mastery, he now teaches others how to grow their wholesale real estate business and make money in real estate. Listen to him share his cool journey to get where he's at today. Also, find out about how in January of 2021 he dropped into a place he'd never been with no connections (Tampa, FL) and turned $1,000 into OVER $40,000 in just 40 days!


In this episode, hosted by Mike Swenson, we discussed:

  • Zachary started his window cleaning business when he was 1 years of age.
  • Because he wanted to spend more time with this family while earning money, being into a real estate the is the first thing that he thinks of.
  • He built a team with a wonderful members that helped him in growing his company.
  • Their gross revenue is approximately 1.5 to 2 million and their net is roughly around 30% profit margin after profit share.
  • Zackary was able to discover a great marketing system which is the reason on his tremendous success.
  • To connect with him, you can apply for his coaching program, his youtube channel and his podcast also.



00:00 Intro and overview on Zackary’s career
01:10 Zackary’s background and working experiences and why he got into real estate.
04:51 How he started window cleaning business.
12:25 How Zackary transition from window cleaning business to real estate.
19:02 What is his team look like now?
25:42 Talking about the challenges in Zackary’s real estate business and how he accidentally become a coach.
32:49 How people can contact Zachary and how to connect to his podcast.


View Zack's Real Estate Wholesaling Challenge:










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Mike Swenson 

Welcome to the REL freedom podcast where we inspire you to pursue your passion to gain time and financial freedom through opportunities in real estate. I'm your host, Mike Swenson. Let's get some real freedom together. All right, welcome everybody to another episode of real freedom stories. And today, I've got Zackary Boothe. And Zach hails from Utah. So we're so excited to have Zach here. So Zach's background actually was, he was a window cleaner. And you can even find window cleaning tutorials of his on YouTube that have millions of views. But taking a leap of faith, he walked away from window cleaning and got into real estate. And with a handful of years now you've made millions of dollars in real estate and real estate investing. So now you're spending your time helping others coaching, making money in real estate, you have driving for dollars mastery. And also we have a fun challenge that that you did this spring that we're going to talk about, too. So welcome to the show, Zach, we're so excited to have you, why don't you just share a little bit more about you?


Zackary Boothe 

Yeah, um, you know, I'm a family guy, and a major outdoorsman, as well. So, you know, having a job never fit my lifestyle. So when I was 17, I actually started that window cleaning business. And, you know, that was the last time I had really a full time job. I did take a job as an acquisition manager a bout four years ago, when I first really went full time into real estate investing. So I got a job negotiating investment deals. And I got fired after like three months. So that's my only job that I had, since I was 17. And, you know, but I wanted to be able to spend time with my family, I wanted to be able to, you know, spend a lot of time in the mountains and have lots of adventures. And, you know, real estate's definitely been a path that I saw that that was 100% of the potential, you know, I got to do the challenge, like you talked about, and I was gone for two months. You know, it was it was a 40 40 day challenge. And then my family got COVID and I got stuck in Brazil for a month because my family was down there stuck. And, you know, there's just so much freedom that comes from real estate if you do it.


Zackary Boothe 

So yeah, that's, that's a little bit about me. That's why real estate was so important. You know, window cleaning just didn't cut it, right. It wasn't the wasn't the amount of revenue. And it didn't necessarily like that. The thing that I love about real estate, is yes, you can make a lot of money when you're sourcing discounted properties, right? You can pass those on, you can wholesale them, you can flip them, but you can also cherry pick the best deals, and have amazing rentals, you can double your equity, you know, as soon as you purchase, triple, quadruple, have an infinity, infinity return, right using other people's money, those kinds of things.


Zackary Boothe 

So you're sourcing these amazing deals to grow your net worth and also passive cash flow. And it's like, Okay, well, I'm washing a gazillion windows I have, you know, I had 13 employees and three trucks. And you know, we did okay, you know, I ended up on the History Channel because of it like crazy things happen because of the window cleaning. And it was a great experience. But, you know, I was still paycheck to paycheck. It wasn't building my net worth. It was. It was it was tough. You know, my, my right rotator cuff still has issues from all the windows I watched. But But yeah, and that's a little bit about me and why I got into real estate.


Mike Swenson 

Yeah, and I love you already shared some of the the why behind what you're doing. Because even people in real estate, you know, you can have a job in real estate. And it can be just that where you kind of punch in punch out. Now it's it's a little non traditional to have it that way. But yeah, you can you can be in the real estate industry and just have a job. But like the things that you talked about wanting to be able to travel, wanting to be able to kind of do what you want, when you want and dictate those things. It's going to be an entrepreneurial journey.


Mike Swenson 

And so with that comes some sacrifices. But yeah, even you know, people on the surface would see your window cleaning company and see like, oh, wow, you're really successful. You must be making a lot of money and then you shared Yeah, you're still still paycheck to paycheck. So you can have a business. It's the difference between kind of being self employed as a business owner, and running a business that's going to build and grow hopefully without you Without only your work to be able to build, build and grow the business so so what what kind of going back here before we get into the future, what what prompted you to start the window cleaning business?


Zackary Boothe 

Yeah, so I was raised by like a really stern father. I love him to death and I'm so grateful for that. Great parents. And, you know, my dad was raised rough, his dad was an alcoholic and gambler. And, you know, he was asking the oldest, he was asking for food from his neighbors to feed his younger siblings. And then his stepdad and his, you know, like when he was 11 came into the picture and really stern Korean War vet, he was a tender teddy bear in his older age, you know, I worked with him when I was a young kid mowing lawns. But, you know, my dad had a rough rough life. And so he, he raised me, you know, to be self sufficient to raise me to be responsible to take care of myself. So I started working for you know, my dad would go to a full time job, he's now 60 and he's been at the same job since he was 19 years old.


Zackary Boothe 

Right It's a couple years away from retirement. So very dedicated, very focused, wakes up at five o'clock every morning for for however many years that is 40 something years right crazy to me. So discipline so focused, but he had to write and so when we we were kids, to help make ends meet because my dad was an educated and it make a lot of money. My mom was going through school to become a nurse, and to help that family make ends meet we mowed lawns. So I started working for the family lawn mowing business when I was 11. And you know, I was selling door to door aerations at that time, so aerations like, during the spring, you know, you basically put air plugs into the ground. Yep. And I was going door to door for that as I learned to do door to door sales for the business and I was mowing lawns, and it taught me to work. You know, my my father gave me my work ethic.


Zackary Boothe 

And so by the time I was 17, and wanted to start a business Dude, I had done, I had made handcrafted cheese, I had framed houses, I'd done finished carpentry mode for my family in the summers and I went to Nova Scotia, Canada right before and worked for a full summer 80 hour workweeks to buy my truck cashed because he wouldn't even cosign alone, my dad, you know, and but at 16 he said, You're a man, you take care of yourself. Now anything you want you pay for. You don't have to buy food or rent, but you take care of everything else. And so, you know, I had all these other jobs and inside jobs, I got stuck at hourly wages, I got sick of like, since I was a kid, I was getting paid, you know, 30 40% less than the adults but I was I honestly was doing just as much I thought at least I knew how to work. And so I was like, this sucks. Like, I gotta do something different. Because I want to play basketball, right? I want to play high school basketball, I got to pay for all that.


Zackary Boothe 

And then I need to have the time I need to make more money with less time because I wanna spend time playing basketball. And that's where the window cleaning started. And I remember I called my uncle is like a serial entrepreneur and my Hey, if you ever watched windows, you know, can you make money doing that? You know, I was like, or what business He's like, Oh yeah, I've done that in the past and, and so I went and you know, I just got back from Nova Scotia, Canada. So I took all of that money that I had made and bought my first truck cash of 17 and bought my first cell phone. You know, this is before smartphones this year before the iPhone came out. And so I bought this little flip phone I had use cricket because I'd have a credit. My dad would cosign for a cell phone. And I was like down to almost no money. And I remember I had to go walk straight from my parents house I actually went and picked up a bucket empty paint bucket and cleaned it out from the construction down the street.


Zackary Boothe 

And then went to Home Depot and bought my first squeegee and my first little scrubber applicator They call him right and so I had no idea how to wash windows, I had no idea how to price it. So I pulled it up in the yellow books, you know, this is before a lot of the technologies and smartphones and that kind of stuff. So I pulled open an old yellow book and or the Yellow Pages and I looked up window cleaners and I called a window and I was like hey, my dad needs a bed for window cleaning, how much you charge for a piece of glass. That's how I figured out how much to charge. And then I walked from my parents house to a wealthy area that you know the closest wealthy area because I was out of money and I didn't have any gas. And so I remember had like 20 bucks in my pocket I was I was out of money and I needed to get money and then I just started learning how to sell door to door window cleaning. I remember my first job for 30 bucks, my first day where I made 100 bucks the first day that I made 1000 $2,000 in a day.


Zackary Boothe 

And you know, when I was when I was 17 almost 18 I had like 10 grand in savings you know I was working my butt off and doing door to door sales in the evening and washing and so you know it out of out of kind of a need to sustain a lifestyle. My dad gave me that opportunity to young age, you know most kids that age you know data you know 100 bucks $100 bill he goes on and you go play right and that wasn't that wasn't the luxury he gave me he could have you know my my parents are pretty well off and my dad has been dedicated my mom's now you know, a registered nurse and loves a career and they have they have a rental and they're doing well right. And but they gave me an opportunity to learn and I'll be forever grateful for my parents because if forced me to grow up at a very young age. And so, you know, when most kids were just playing, you know, my 18th birthday on my birthday actually went got my first business license, my dad wouldn't, you know, cosign a business license or anything, you have to be 18 to do it on your own, he wouldn't do that because of liabilities.


Zackary Boothe 

But I needed insurance and workman's comp and some of those things to be able to get the larger contracts, the banks, the, you know, the route work, basically. And so, yeah, that was, that was kind of how I got into window cleaning. And I actually did that for a full decade, I took a stop for two years to serve a Christian mission as well, to actually went to Sao Paulo, Brazil spoke Portuguese, and served down there for a couple years. During that that 10 year stint, but by the time those 10 years were up, my company had grown. And I felt like the bigger I got the less what No, I don't feel like I know that the bigger I got, the less money I actually made. And the more headaches I had, I was still out on job sites, because people were calling in sick tons of turnover. Quality Control was a nightmare. It was just, and I was learning how to manage people and being a leader. I mean, there was so many great lessons that I had to really struggle through with that first business, but it was so I'm so grateful, right? so grateful for that foundation, and to lead me into the career I'm in now.


Mike Swenson 

Yeah, yeah. And as a contrast, I remember in high school, you know, I played well, I should say, I was on the basketball team. I was one of the benchwarmers. At the end, I remember working so my first job was I worked for pizza chain. And so I was making 535 an hour. And at that time, I remember, you know, when I got my first raise, it was like 10 cents, or 15 cents an hour. And I was excited because it was like a higher end. Like I think you could get a five cent raise. But it was like 10 or 15. And then I ran the math on how much more I would make. And I was like, Oh, really? That's That's it? Like? Yeah, it just goes to show. Yeah, I mean, so many valuable lessons that you've learned as far as you know, managing people responsibility, ownership, that kind of stuff, you know, in those early years for you to lead into real estate. So talk about kind of that transition to real estate and, and, you know, leading up to where you're at today. Yeah.


Zackary Boothe 

So after I got home from South Paulo, Brazil, I was 21. And I had no credit, like none, because I bought everything in cash. And so I had read Rich Dad, Poor Dad, when I was when I was 14. And so I, you know, wanted to be an entrepreneur, I wanted to be responsible for my own money. And then I also wanted to get into real estate. I knew that that I needed to do that. So I thought, well, I'll just run my window cleaning business, and I'll just buy real estate, right? You can do that. So I did when I was 21. About my I got married pretty quick. I was almost 22 when I got married, so not too long after I got home and actually married a Brazilian girl care. It's cutting or Karen right. I love her today. She's so so fun. We're actually having our 10 year anniversary. Next week, which is so awesome. Yeah, thank you to beautiful children. But But anyways, I wanted to get in real estate.


Zackary Boothe 

So I thought I came up with the idea of wieku you know, we call it house hacking, right living in one side renting the other, I came up with the idea. Of course I didn't. So I, I found a duplex that was really, really bad. And that was in 2012. And that was when banks were unloading foreclosure. So I got a really good deal. You know, I ran into the one side I had to do a bunch of work, but I had construction experience I could go in and we had a standing water in the basement had termite damage had all sorts of crap. But I I did the whole thing myself just paid for materials like 20 grand materials, I got the house for like $55,000, which is crazy. The duplex, I ended up selling it like five years later for like 240 is crazy. But anyway, so I'm running the one side for like 700. And my mortgage is like 400 bucks, including taxes and insurance, you know, so like, this is amazing. I just need to buy as many of these as I can, because I can just keep buying and buying and buying and all the rich, right?


Zackary Boothe 

Like this is easy. And then I went to the banks, they're like, well, your debt to income, and you need to put 25% down and I was like, Oh, I don't have either of those. Right? Like, yeah, now. It's like, Okay, well, I guess I can move into another one. And we did. But it became a problem when my wife became pregnant. You know, it wasn't necessarily a planned pregnancy we're excited you know our little boy Hudson's now seven and but we, we didn't know how to get into more properties. So then I started asking all my wealthy Windows clients, you know, they have these giant mansions. Can I buy or can I borrow your money to flip houses? So I think I pitched like 20 People and they all said no, I finally got someone to say yes. Who Steve Young, not the football player but good guy love him. Son Dave Good, good people. But they lent me money for the first slip. They got their interest everything back, but I lost five grand on the flip. And I had bought it off the MLS All right, that suck. That didn't work.


Zackary Boothe 

I hate flipping too, by the way. And so I just kept hitting like all these roadblocks and trying to figure things out myself. And I ended up meeting my mentor. So I had a friend invite me to a real estate investors Association meeting. And I went and I met a guy in my market that's wholesaling. So his business partners Tom Kroll in Florida. You know, they don't coach anymore, but they got me into what's called real estate wholesaling, or they taught me about it right. I heard about it for the first time. Yep. And, you know, he basically, you know, for the listeners that may not know what that is, it's, you go out, you do marketing, you find off market super discounted properties, and you pass that opportunity on to a flipper, buy and hold investor for a fee. I'm like, aha, this is the key like, this is how I'm going to get into this full time and walk away from window cleaning. Because I can make cash, right to pay for my living expenses and cover my expenses for marketing and that kind of stuff.


Zackary Boothe 

And then I can start cherry picking, I can get seller finance, I can get whatever I need to grow my portfolio and have financial freedom. I'm like, this is it. So I walked away from window cleaning. I had a business partner, who had joined my company, like three years before I walked away, and I went to them on my birthday March 2 2007. No, it was 2017 17. Yeah, was 2017. And I said I quit. As far as profits, great. If not, I don't care. I love it. If you've cashed me out, I'm done. I'm walking away from this thing. Which is kind of crazy. You know, you grind for 10 years. And it just, I was just done. He did Cash me out. I did make some money on that, that business. It's still in business today, I still see the trucks cruising around. Pretty cool. But But anyways, I I started then I hired a mentor and they gave me the steps. And by April 2017, I did my very first traditional wholesale deal where I sold a purchase contract for $10,000. And I was hooked man, I was like, This is gonna be exactly what I'm gonna do the rest of my life.


Zackary Boothe 

I did about 115,000. By the end of that year, the next year, we did just shy of a half a million The next year, we did 1.2 million last year did we did I cut back, majorly we did about 700,000. And then this year, we're on track to do anywhere between 1.5 and actually like 2 million depending on if these two flips we have going will cash out. So you know, and the cool thing is, is now with this, this amount of revenue, all of it's been done by my team, I really only spend about two to three hours a week on my wholesaling and investing business. And I spend all of my time helping and serving other people and doing podcasts like this, like this is what I want to do with my time. And, and also, I'm a lot of months like September, I'm only working two days a week. So in a coaching business I don't I don't work very much right now. The winters I work more just because there's not as many adventures to be had in the mountains in the winter. So I don't like the winter as much so. So yeah, man, that's that's kind of where I'm at and why I got into real estate and the process to get into it.


Mike Swenson 

Yeah, so why don't you before we get into kind of this challenge that you talked about? Talk a little bit about the the nuts and bolts of your team. So how does this work for somebody that's like, Okay, how do you go from, you know, 10 grand on your first deal to now, you know, netting 1.5 or $2 million A few years later, how does that work? So fill in some of those gaps for folks about, you know, getting it doing it yourself and then raising up others and kind of leading them and training them to kind of do that process as well. And, and how do you get to some of those those bigger deals?


Zackary Boothe 

Just to clarify too, I don't want to fluff the numbers. So 1.5 to 2 million, that's gonna be our gross revenue, not our growth. Yeah, yep. Yep. So I'll net about a 30% profit margin off after profit share and all those things with my team members and everything marketing costs all that so great profit margin by not doing anything and just letting the company run. So what is my team look like now? I'm now in two markets because I went down to Tampa in January and did the 40 Day Challenge. Since I build a cash buyers list and did everything there. I was like, well, I might as well keep things running. So now I'm in two markets. I mean, you Tom in Florida. So here in Utah in my office here for just my wholesaling business. I have my lead acquisition manager who manages trains are cold callers. He does all the appointments here for acquisitions and selling the deals the disposition. We have Three cold callers, part time cold callers that are here in house. I have Miguel, who does all of my marketing and systems management. He's amazing, amazing. I actually met him. When I was in Brazil.


Zackary Boothe 

He was actually one of my missionary companions when I was down there, so pretty awesome. to have him here love him to death. And then that's that's that's it for here in Utah says not a huge, huge team, the majority of our revenues here, of course, and then in Tampa, I have an acquisition manager who does all acquisitions and dispositions. And we need to hire a driver to do our driving for dollars, basically, our create our marketing list down there. So we're short an employee down there right now. But yeah, it's only two people down there. So it's not a ginormous, ginormous team. I mean, to be able to do $2 million in window cleaning, I would have needed. I mean, I can't even imagine it sounds it sounds horrible. I mean, I did my biggest year was like 450,000 in gross revenue with like, a 9% profit margin. It was horrible. And I had, like, me and 14 other employees. That year was, but it was horrible. I mean, it was just a constant nightmare. I was working like 70 hours a week. It was stupid. Yeah, I'd probably made more just being a sales rep for like a dealership, honestly.


Mike Swenson 

So yeah. So and just to kind of kind of tease the the wholesale process here. So what are your folks doing? Who are they calling? And kind of what's that messaging?


Zackary Boothe 

Yeah, so I keep it super simple. You know, in the beginning, you know that first year we did 100,000, then I had that huge jump right to just shy of a half a million. That big jump was because I found a marketing system that works. So everyone's like, Oh, my market is competitive. My market is competitive. Well, I'm in the two most competitive markets, if you look at the cost per lead for PPC, right, so I hired one of the best ad agencies that exists for real estate wholesalers, their minimum ad spends, like seven grand to open a market, right? So it's a big firm. We just started that. But they're like stack, you have picked them to most expensive cost per per lead markets in the country, because they're in pretty much every every market. So I thought that was funny. So in Utah, I had multiple companies doing over a million dollars a year, there was a lot of competition. And so I was buying lists and pulling lists. I was buying lists like the the code violation, so anyone doesn't cut their lawn or whatever the city writes a code violation a lot of its public records.


Zackary Boothe 

So I was doing code violations, evictions to probates. And I was I was sending postcards and cold calling those lists, and asking if people wanted to sell and if they did I qualified. Do you want to you know, retail, you want retail? Because I'm not your guy? If that's the case? Or do you want to sell it to an investor for your speed and convenience, even though you know, you're getting it? You know, at last, you know, but there's a convenience factor, right. And that's what I was doing in the beginning. But man deals were really tough to come by. And there's always competition on all those deals. And so, out of necessity, I needed more deals. I'm like, how can I find deals? I thought I came up with the idea of driving for dollars, because I'm like, but I didn't. It's been around forever, everybody. But I really feel like I've perfected the process out of necessity. But basically what I started doing is I was like, Man, I've noticed that all the deals I've done the house is like you're driving down the street looking for the house number and you're like it's got to be the house, right?


Zackary Boothe 

Because it looks like crap compared to the rest of them. Yeah. Oh, yep. That's the house. And so I was like, man, if I just drove around and identified the ugly houses, and then that's my marketing list. I bet I would make way more money, bigger profit margins, more deals, less competition, right? Like, everything. So I was like, Alright, let's do it. So I added like 70 properties and did my first deal. I was like, okay, like, I'm hooked. But back then it was before all the technology. So I'm having to like write down the addresses, pull up the address and county records, get the mailing address, the owner, the you know, all of that stuff. took forever to build a list of any size. Right? And I'm recruiting people to help me and we did it. But there's been technology since then. So about 2000 so I spoke at an event in October 2018 I'm doing really well.


Zackary Boothe 

I spoke at my coach's event and had the owners of deal machine which is the tech company that now you can drive through a neighborhood and identify house and you you you basically have a maps image and you can touch the house there's there's a few apps now deal machine is not the only one but you can touch the house on your on your phone. It'll actually upload all of the owners information into an Excel spreadsheet ready to be marketed to like it's amazing, right so now we're adding in Utah to be able to do this we're adding about 2000 properties every single week to our marketing list and we're texting cold calling and postcards that list so on 40 day challenge I document day by day how to make over 40 grand in 40 days just start with 1000 bucks doing the same process. And it was just me. I didn't get my team. I didn't get any of that crap, right. And I and I show people exactly what I was doing how I was doing it, recording the conversations, recording the appointments, recording, you know, so it's all free. You guys can see it. Yeah, play out.


Mike Swenson 

Yeah, let's talk about that. Let's talk about that challenge then. So so in January, you essentially went down to Tampa, your your new market that you're now in, you had 1000 bucks. And you said that you were gonna go turn that 1000 bucks into 40 grand in 40 days, right? Yeah. So So go ahead and share kind of that whole process and how that worked.


Zackary Boothe 

Yeah, so the reason I did it, you know, a lot of people are like, Well, why are you doing that you show an off like, why do you Why do you Why would you even document Why would you go through that? That suffering and not be with your family. I wasn't with my family for 30 days, and my family's The most important thing to me in the world. And the reason I did it is I, I had read a self help journal. So I kind of got to go into the backstory of why I became a coach, because I didn't I didn't plan to become a coach, it kind of happened accidentally. So back in 2018, towards the end of 2018, we just done shy of a half a million, right? So in 2019, I was like, I want to I want to do a million dollars, how do I do a million dollars, I'm kind of pinching myself still that I did a half a million, right? I made more money than ever made my life net. And I'm like, okay, we're like, how do I grow this? You know, how do I scale this? What do I do, and I had a friend invite me to do a self help journal called living your best year ever.


Zackary Boothe 

And the first 100 pages is, you know, going through and creating three big goals for the year the rest of it. So journal daily journal, right? And then those 100 pages, I created three big goals and talked about the importance of giving away whatever I was trying to receive, if I wanted more love, I had to give love if I want money, I gotta give money. So all right, well, if I want to make a million dollars, according to this journal, I got to give away a million dollars. Like, well, that doesn't make any sense. Yeah, I want a million dollars. I don't want to give it away. And so I but I'm trying to take this thing serious. And it went in alignment with my core values. And my ethics. I'm like, Alright, well, like, I'm talking to my wife as a how do we do this? And we had the idea. Well, you have this marketing system you've put in place over the last 12 months, this put a million half a million dollars, you know, in your business and almost quarter million in my pocket, right?


Zackary Boothe 

Oh, my All right, like, I could teach 10 people this system. And go, here you go. This is the outline, do it implement it. So I made sure that those 10 people paid me, you know, some money to make sure that they were going to actually do the work because if I didn't spend the time I wanted to make sure they they did it. And then really money because my goal is to put a million dollars in their pockets. So I went out to some friends people that I met that were like co students and different programs I'd been a part of and like, just as good people everywhere from Portland to North Carolina, I mean, all over the country. And I said, hey, let's do it. And craziest thing happened. We did $1.2 million. Because the more I taught, the more I learned, the more my students would be like, Zack, what about this? I'm like, Oh my gosh, like, look at this mistake in my business. I had no idea like, thank you so much for asking that question. So I had to really become the expert to help people to put a million dollars in their pockets. It was it was it was mind blowing.


Zackary Boothe 

But what's more important than the 1.2 I made was the love I found in coaching, the like, the excitement, the fulfillment, when my students were doing deals because of how I helped him like having them call me and thank me getting text messages, you know, daily now for my students thanking me and sharing their success stories like that, I found so much fulfillment. But through that process, I was like, Alright, I want to be a coach, like that's where I want to spend my time. And so it forced me to really back off. The reason we went 1.2 to 700,000 is I backed away from the company. And I put I put everyone else in place and automated all of it. So that I could spend my time coaching because that's where I find fulfillment. It's joy, like and if I can make money and change people's lives and find fulfillment, like there's no better life. And so kind of put me down that path. But when I'm going down that path and really trying to open up and scale a coaching business, I'm finding skeptics, I'm finding people that think it's a scam. I'm finding people that don't understand or they think it's an easy ride.


Zackary Boothe 

 You know, I'm getting people to come in, it's like, oh, this is too hard. And it's like, what do you think it was gonna be? It's gonna be hard, you know? Yeah. Did you expect and sounds like I need to I need people to be more educated. I need them to understand that it's a grind that it's real, but it's work and how can I show him and I was thinking back to myself, you know, before I joined the coaching, the coaching program that changed my life and I was like, Well, I was a skeptic, what changed my thoughts, what changed my beliefs? And I was seeing it happen. Right? It was it was the it was the process and like, once I did that first deal was crazy believer Right. And I'm like, Well, if someone can get an over the shoulder look of the process, they could be, they could believe before they did their first deal, right? They could have that confidence and understanding of what it really takes and how hard it really is. And they would be able to push through because they could see the vision, they could see the process, right.


Zackary Boothe 

So I'm up late one night, like, how do I do this? How do I do this? How do I do this? I was like, well, I could just go out and do a deal and have a film crew follow me like, step by step. I was like, Yeah, but they're gonna be like, well, you're in where you live, you have your connections, you have your team, I was like, and you have all these marketing dollars, and you've built a company, it's like, you gotta go, you gotta go somewhere you've never been. So you have no connections, you have no understanding. So this is like three in the morning. I'm like brainstorming, trying to solve this thing. And we ended up deciding to fly to Tampa, because it's wintertime, and I wanted sunshine, like that was a criteria. And my family went to see. So my wife went to see her parents, and they flew to Brazil for 30 days, I flew to Tampa. And the goal is to take that $1,000 and turn it into 40 grand in 40 days. To you know, to show people the process, yeah, I wanted to make 40 grand to show how much money is possible to be made.


Zackary Boothe 

By the way, we completely blew that out of the water, which is super fun. But But what was most important to me, like my mission, my goal behind the content was was not necessarily to make the money it was to inspire and show people what it takes, that it's hard. But if you have a work ethic, you can do it right, you don't have to be the smartest guy in the room. I was a window cleaner, guys, like I didn't know much, I still don't know that much about real estate. You know, I'm sure there's people that know 10 times more than than me, but but I understand how to find deeply discounted deals. And if you can find really, really good deeply discounted deals kind of got to be a dummy to lose money. Right? And so that's why I did the challenge. And it turned out amazing. You know, I remember praying before I left, I said, God, please give me Please give me at least one seller, please like just to show people the process and the potential.


Zackary Boothe 

You know, like, I wasn't so much worried about the 40 grand just as long as I could, could make something happen. And on day four, I met a guy named Stan Nelson, just exactly what I had prayed for I got super emotional. It was I called the wrong person, the wrong phone number, the wrong address. And he happened to have three properties he wanted to sell. Right? It was it was so perfect. But we ended up getting seven properties under contract and closed on five of them. So I won't go into the numbers. You guys are gonna have to go watch it to see how much money I made. But yeah, it was pretty, pretty stinking awesome.


Mike Swenson 

Yeah, that's great. So quick share, then, you know, with our final minutes here a little bit more. So you've got driving for dollars mastery, you talked about coaching, you know, what else do you have that you can offer folks? And then Where? Where can folks find you?


Zackary Boothe 

Yeah, so I really don't want you to guys to apply for the coaching program. That might sound off. But yet, I want you to go check out my free content, because I want you to understand what it takes I want I want you to go in and see that it's hard work and what the processes are before before you apply for the coaching program, because I do have some requirements before I'll even let you join so because because I keep the policy that my goal is to put money in my students pockets, not just signing people up. And so I really want you guys to go check out the free content. So I have my YouTube channel and I also have a podcast my podcast is some real estate professionals but it's mainly just my students and what they did and how they did it and their process their struggles, what they went through.


Zackary Boothe 

So you can check out my podcast it's called driving for dollars mastery, you can find it anywhere you can find podcasts or you go to my website driving for dollar or DFD mastery comm so DFD mastery comm there's a link to my podcast, there's also the link to book a call to apply for my program and talk to us about it. And then also you can search my name on YouTube or just DFD mastery stands for Dr. Raj DFT mastery or Zack booth on YouTube and you can find my YouTube channel, right if you click on the videos, and there's the 40 Day Challenge, you'll be able to find it just fine.


Mike Swenson 

that's Boothe with an E for those folks that want to know so yeah. Awesome. Well, Zach, thanks so much for coming on and sharing lots of great stories and you know what, we'd love to have you back another time and share a little bit more about some of the details we kind of didn't even get to to some of the specifics here so but a lot of great high level stuff a lot of great inspirational stuff and and I think that's the key I mean for people that are looking to get into you know what, what you're doing with with driving for dollars and for wholesaling that like yeah, it takes a lot of work but at the same time the reward is worth it for you to be able to, to go to Tampa and do something like that, to be able to travel to be able to go into the mountains and things like that you're gonna have to sacrifice something to get something in return and so you're a great actor. example of somebody that's done that. So I appreciate you coming on and appreciate you sharing your story.


Zackary Boothe 

No, of course will thank you so much. And, and yeah, like I said, it does take a lot of work. But there's a lot of people that work a lot more than me and a lot harder than me and a lot more hours than I do, and are compensated much, much less. So if you have a work ethic, you're already working hard, and you don't love what you're doing, you should consider changing what you're doing. Because, you know, it really could be the best decision of your life. You know, I totally believe that, you know, a lot of people say like, why don't you Why do you teach this stuff? Why do you give this stuff away? You're creating your own competition. But I truly believe that if someone else's successful doesn't take away from my success, it's not gonna equal less success for me. And people are like, what about market share?


Zackary Boothe 

I honestly believe that that's all all a an effect and a cause from people that have a limiting mindset that they believe that other people succeeding means that they are failing. And that is not the truth at all, there is plenty success, there's more money in this world than any of us want or need, right? There is so much abundance and so much, you just got to provide value and you will get value back. So you know, believing in yourself, you guys can do this 100% if I can do this, you guys can do this. I was a window cleaner, guys. Like I had no real estate experience. Honestly, I had no business getting into real estate like I did. So, so grateful for my mentors and for where I'm at, like it really, really has blessed our lives and changed our lives.


Zackary Boothe 

You know, we actually last night we went and bought a 27 foot trailer brand new trailer, like, just beautiful, because we're planning a month long trip to Alaska next year. And, you know, I'm upgrading trucks and like, I'm dumping all this stupid money. And it's like, man, like, my wife and I are just kind of on cloud nine because it wasn't too long ago that just covering our medical bills and just covering You know, when our kids were born and then our it's, it's pretty amazing what it's done for us and I and I share this not to brag, but to hopefully inspire you guys to go for it. If you're on the fence. Yeah.


Mike Swenson 

Awesome. Well, thank you, Zack, for coming on. Really appreciate your time and appreciate you sharing your story.


Zackary Boothe 

For sure. Thanks for having me.


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