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Mike Swenson - 5 Ways My Life Changed Over The Past 100 Episodes


We made it to episode 100! What a journey it has been, and so much has changed over the past 2 years. I'm sharing 5 big ways that my life has changed as a result of hosting the REL Freedom podcast. Spoiler alert: We also have a new business venture to share, which I do in the episode! I share how my mindset has changed, how our Elite Advantage Team real estate business has completely pivoted in a new direction, why real estate is an amazing way to build passive income to fund your future, and why it's so important to invest in your greatest asset - YOURSELF! A huge "thank you" to everyone that has added to this podcast over the past 100 episodes - the guests, our team behind the scenes for editing & marketing, and my awesome real estate team. I'm looking forward to the next 100 episodes to impact more lives to help you build time and financial freedom through real estate!


In this episode, hosted by Mike Swenson, we discussed:

  • Five...
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