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Unlocking the Profit Potential: Financial Insights into Owning a Mobile Home Park

Many investors we talk to are very curious about investing in mobile home parks. What's the appeal? Why would someone want to consider investing in them? What's the operational strategy? How are their returns?

We had the opportunity to dig deeper into investing into mobile home parks, thanks to our interview we did with Derek Vickers. As CEO of Victory Real Estate Group and host of the MHP Show, Derek shares his journey from a $300 start in Florida to owning and operating 38 mobile home parks with over 1900 units.


The Mobile Home Park Opportunity

Mobile home parks present an intriguing investment opportunity due to their unique characteristics. Overall, the business is still relatively fragmented, with many mom-and-pop owners. This fragmentation creates opportunities for investors to find deals, especially with sellers offering financing.

One of the key factors contributing to the appeal of mobile home parks is the dwindling supply. Municipalities are...

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How To Get Started Investing In Real Estate With Little Money Down


How To Get Started Investing In Real Estate With Little Money Down

A common objection we hear from people is "I don't have enough money yet to get a property on my own." We don't want that to stop you from investing! Additionally we hear "I don't have the time or knowledge to figure all of this out. Can I partner with someone that knows what they are doing?"

We hear you! We want to make real estate investing have as low of a barrier of entry as possible, so we're running down some ways for you to get your money invested, so that it can grow, instead of sitting on the sideline and not getting in the game!


First off, why do I want to invest in real estate? Lets cover 8 top reasons why people want to choose real estate to invest in:

1) Rents Paid By Tenant: you aren't having to pay the mortgage on the property each month as your mortgage payment is getting paid by your tenants (assuming you pick a property that cashflows well). No money comes out of your pocket each...

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Passive vs Active Investing. What Is The Best Fit For You?

Oftentimes when people think about real estate investing, they are immediately concerned because they think that it means they'll have to respond to tenants phone calls at 2am staying that their toilet isn't working or they no longer have heat in their home, and you have to instantly drop everything and go help them out.

That's what I thought about too, until I got into it and realized that, depending on your personal preferences, there are many different layers that can insulate you from feeling like you're taking on a 2nd job managing the property or building your portfolio.

So it's helpful for you to ask the question "how active do I want to be in managing my real estate investments?" Some people like getting their hands into things and being involved in the day to day operations and the decision making. Some don't. The good news is you get to choose, and there are opportunities out there that fit the entire spectrum! Plus, it's not just in the management of the property, but...

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Scott Carson: The Note Guy


Scott Carson, affectionately known as "The Note Guy" has been in the mortgage, finance, and banking industry since 2001 and an active real estate investor since 2002. In his career, he has acquired over $1 Billion in distressed debt, having purchased hundreds of notes in 20-30 states across the US. As CEO and Founder of the Austin, Texas based We Close Notes, Scott is the host of The Note Closers Show and Note Night in America. In addition, he is a featured speaker, educator, trainer, and coach at real estate investing workshops and conferences across the country. He's very active on social media to help grow his business, having almost 30,000 followers on LinkedIn, over 7,000 subscribers on Youtube and has posted over 1,700 videos on his channel.


In this episode hosted by Mike Swenson, we discussed:

  • How Scott kept going after being shut down with his first investments as a landlord and became a full-time real estate investor and started...
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Jodi Nielsen: Unlocking The Power of Cost Segregations On Your Real Estate Investments


Benjamin Franklin famously said back in 1789 "Nothing is certain but death and taxes." Jodi Nielsen would quickly chime in "I can help defer one of them." Jodi is a Sr. Account Executive for Cost Segregation Services Inc (CSSI) which has performed over 40,000 Cost Segregation studies. The goal of having a cost segregation study on your investment property is to help accelerate up to 40% of a building's depreciation so that you can use your money now to help make more money. For every 500k on a building, they find that they are able to provide a tax savings benefit in the range of 40-80k (note: this is an estimate only. Your situation may be different).

After getting her degree in Nuclear Medicine and working as a Administrator of a Medical Clinic, co-owning a shipping and packing company, and serving as a consultant, Jodi found her home working for CSSI. She is extremely passionate about helping real estate investors free up capital that they can...

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How To Analyze An Investment Property

How do you know if you have a good investment deal? Knowing your numbers is a great place to start! Don't let uncertainty of not knowing how to analyze a real estate investment deal keep you from getting started on your investment journey. 

When I work with clients, I often tell them, "I'm incentivized to do a good job for you to pick a great property, because if you're going to make money on this property, it's going to help you to buy more." However, analysis paralysis is real, so we have to find a way to quickly and efficiently look at a deal and decide if it's worth spending more time, or moving onto the next deal.

Too many times investors are sitting back and waiting for the "homerun" deal. The deal of a lifetime. Yet if you're looking to build a portfolio of many properties, you need to have some singles, doubles, and triples in your portfolio too! Waiting to only move on that homerun is going to set you back from getting started, learning...

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